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Saturday 9/23
Teen Runaway Mod v3 - Complete.  Releasing once I'm done working on the release post.

Erotica Mod - Releasing today.


Friday 9/22
Teen Runaway Mod v3 -
Releasing late tonight (pixxel perverts)

Erotica Mod - Releasing Saturday. (pixxel perverts)


Thursday 9/21
Functional Malls And Shopping Centers - There's one feature I'm still working on and trying to figure out.  I'll give it a bit more time. Since I want separate stores with registers that customer will go to get checked out.  I also want a return counter for stores.

Teen Runaway Mod - Today I'll switch focus to this mod and get it released.  I don't expect any tuning issues.

Erotica Mod - Expected to release Saturday.

Sexy Gigs Mod v16 -  A few have asked for an update and I've got a major critical issue I'm dealing with for this mod.  The mod is mostly complete except for this issue with custom animations. I want to elevate the mod so these interactions are key and need to work properly. That'll take a little more time.

Functional Hair Salons -  I haven't started working on this mod just yet so not expected to release this week.


Tuesday 9/19
Functional Malls And Shopping Centers - Finishing up this mod with potential release Wednesday.


Hoping everyone is doing good these days.  Couple of mods that were delayed will get released this week and potentially a couple of new mods.

Releasing This Week
-Functional Malls And Shopping Centers  (pixxel pervert)
-Teen Runaway Mod v3 (pixxel pervert)
-Erotica Mod (pixxel pervert)
-Functional Hair Salons (New Hair Braiding Skill and Hair Braiding) This mod will probably require extra time but including it in this week's release list. A lot of gameplay dedicated to hair, hair care, and hair styling. Functional Cosmetology school to learn and build hair styling skills.  You can own and operate a hair salon. I'll attempt to use buffs to change hair styles along with the makeup chair from Get Famous.  Will keep you updated on the progress or changes. (pixxel pervert)

More free mods and all tiers coming soon.




I look forward to each one of them 🤩


Any news on sexy gigs mod v16?