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Saturday 5/27
Realistic Zodiac Personalities Mod - Making some progress with this mod today. 

Ownable Functional Venues - Couple of issues I'm working on fixing. Partial focus on this today. 


Friday 5/26
Ownable Functional Venues - Wrapping up the mod and heading into testing.  Will update if there are issues found.

Couple of videos uploading later today.


Thursday 5/25
Ownable Functional Venues
- Expected release tonight with potential for delay until Friday.

Realistic Zodiac Personalities Mod - New release date, Saturday 5/27.

Ownable Apartments v3 video upload and available today.


Wednesday 5/24
Music Industry Mod - Complete.  Managed to get all intended features to work.  There might be a last exception but I didn't get one with the last test.  I'll complete the post and video with this finally releasing early morning or afternoon.

I'll get the Music Industry Mod video and Ownable Apartments v3 video out sometime Wednesday.

Ownable Functional Venues -  Didn't get to work on this today, will get it complete during Wednesday and potentially Thursday.

Small delay of a day or two for Realistic Zodiac Personalities Mod.


Tuesday 5/23
Fashion Industry Mod Video- https://youtu.be/sAGiByA2PX4

Ownable Functional Venues - Releasing tonight or Wednesday.  Depending on final testing.

Music Industry Mod - Adding last remaining item.  Known issue, last exception.  Releasing today.

Ownable Apartments v3 Video releasing today.


Monday 5/22
Music Industry Mod - Sorry for the last few delays for this mod, however I was able to figure out the object simpicker and get it working as intended.  The only issue is it's kicking out a Last Exception.  I'll try to get that fixed.  If not I'll post a warning about the issue and decide if you want to download it or not.

Now the mod will allow you to pick the vocal artist you want to record vocals from and create the vocal track, no rabbitholes.  I'll try the same tuning with musicians and audio engineers.

This should be the last delay and get this released.

So far no delays with the other upcoming mod releases. I'll keep you updated if something is delayed.

Fashion Industry Mod - Video Tutorial on Youtube releasing today. Next, Ownable Apartments v3 video tutorial.


5/21 Sunday
Music Industry Mod - I'm in the process of wrapping up the mod for release once complete.  No major issues so far.  I did make a few changes to the original gameplay.  Including a social event for the recording session. There are two ownable venues included, Record Label Venue, and Recording Studio Venue.  Sign vocal artists, musicians, and audio engineers to your label.  Use the recording studio to record music and vocal tracks which are required in order to create albums.

I'll be recording new videos later today.  These videos will start releasing Monday and throughout the week. Launching season two for Life On The Farm series.  The first season is a few years old.

5/22 Monday
Ownable Functional Venues - Continued progress with this mod

5/23 Tuesday
Ownable Functional Venues - Expected release.  Will update if delayed. (Pixxel Perverts)

5/24 Wednesday
Realistic Zodiac Personalities Mod - (Idea by SimwithShan) Expected release. This mod will go into great detail for each distinct personality.  These will be CAS traits with social menus and new social interactions. You'll be able to lookup your birth chart, and other astrology based gameplay.  (Free)

5/25 Thursday
Sexy Gigs Mod v16 | Prn Industry Update - Work for this version starts.  Expected release 5-7 days from this date. (Pixxel Perverts)

5/26 Friday
Functional Psychiatrist Career v2 - Expected release.  New gameplay, new npc clients with mental health issues, Ownable office. (All Tiers)

5/27 Saturday
Family Gameplay Pack - Expected Release  (Pixxel Perverts)

I'll try to make the release posts a bit easier to read and offer more info on how these mods work.  This will hopefully help for anyone who's new to playing with mods.  I'll try to offer as much info as possible.  Keep an eye out for more troubleshooting posts and use the new tutorial videos coming out.

I read all comments but will probably reduce the number I respond to especially for common issues.  Instead I'll create a full post that hopefully solves the collective issue.  If you don't get a response please don't worry, I'm working on getting the issue solved for you. I think this would help more people to see more troubleshooting.



Karen Ash

Realistic Zodiac Personalities Mod Very excited about this one. Thank you.


When will the family mod be released?


So excited for the Zodiac Personalities Mod!!


Hey Love how is the music industry mod coming along? will it be tied to getting famous in anyway?


EEEEEEE! Im so excited!


Finally figured out how to get the objects working. It will require Get Famous because I'm using the Music Mixer object.


Expected release Saturday but it will probably have a delay or two. Depends on what pops up during testing.


Will it be out today?


On the edge of my seat for the zodiac mod!! Im so thankful you took this on!!!

Ebony Rodgers

I am waiting on this music industry mod for my celebrity sims.


I cant wait for the family gameplay pack to be released

This Aint A Game

Hey thank you for your work! Did the psychiatrist career get updated already ?