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Update: 3/14/2022
Version 9.2.B temporarily solved core issues with the Trap Queen and Prn Star Gigs.  
-Trap Queen Invite Plug computer interaction works
-Trap Queen Buy Crack Interaction Working
-Known Issues - I had to remove a few trait tests so interactions would show.  I'm having some kind of bug or issue on my end where traits may not loot to target sims.  I have a work-around in progress.
-Known Issues - Some interactions show on all Sims, from stated bug above this will be the case for a short time.
-Prn Star all required Sims should show up in the social event. 

XML Injector Problem.
My mod is conflicting with XML's ability to run test interactions.  I'm still working to fix this.  However XML still works from what I can tell you just can't test the interactions.  There's some cleaning up of files needed on my end. 


Update: 3/2/2022
Version 9.2 adds a small number of fixes to the mod and gameplay changes to the Prn Star gig, and Sexy Opportunities.

If you downloaded version 9.2 please remove and download version 9.2.A

Prn Star
Sign up using the "Sexy Gigs" menu on the computer.  Now use the computer to "Select A Casting Director".  This will be the Sim in charge of allowing you to Audition or not.  After you select a casting director you'll need to "Invite Casting Director Over"  then use your social interactions to finally get the opportunity to be in a prno movie.  The "Audition" option will be on the computer as well.  

You can "Select A Co-Star", then "Invite Co-Star Over" to get to know them and pick them for movie shoots.

Use the phone to plan a social event, select "Prn Movie Shoot" event.  

Sexy Opportunities
Sexy Gigs menu select "Enable Sexy Opportunities".  You have two options, one to "Enable Clubbing Social Interactions", or "Enable Escorting".  

For clubbing you simply use the phone to plan a social event, invite 7 or more sims to join you.  The options are for a Gay or Lesbian club.  You'll need to set up the club lot and make the venue type "Generic".   These events do not have a goal, they simply allow you to select clubbers and a bartender.

For Escorting you'll need to use the phone to plan a social event, select Become An Escort event.  Select yourself and a Pimp to travel almost anywhere.  Use the "Become An Escort" social menu to ask the Pimp a few questions until he allows you to join the Escorting Network.  Once you join you can provide clients with a GirlFriend Experience or Professional Sex Experience.  Both are now Social Events.  You select yourself as the escort and a client for the picker.

Known Issues
-Some events will not "X" out.  You may need to exit the game and return.  Working on a fix.
-Misc items are buggy 

Experiencing Problems?
Please let me know of any issues you may experience.  You can use Discord or the comments below.  

The mod is below, download, unzip and place in your Sims 4 mod folder.   This version requires xml to work which you can get here:  https://scumbumbomods.com/xml-injector/ 


Update: 2/11/2022

Just released a patch for most issues.  There are plenty that remain and even new bugs that have popped up.  I'm not sure if it's just on my end or if you'll experience them too.  So please let me know below if anything isn't working or you can't figure out how to do something.  

2/16/2022  Mod Description Version 9.1
This version of the mod ventures into drug dealing and operating a functional trap house.  I've always loved having a trap house with Basemental Drugs and decided to introduce Crack into the Sims 4.  I think a lot of playerS simply wanted it in the game since there are so many other drugs available as well.  My version still needs a lot of work and more gameplay but we do have a start.  As a Trap Queen you can turn Crackheads into Crack Whores and send them to make money for you.  

You'll also find a few updates to other gigs like Sexy Opportunities which expanded what you can do as an escort.  HornyFans includes the ability to Live Stream and an overhaul of the menu.  However I have reports of issues which I'll get into below and when the fix for that is coming.  The Porn Star gig has been fixed and overhauled as well.

Links You'll Need

Sexy Gigs Mod: https://bit.ly/3biEzoS 

Wicked Whims: https://wickedwhimsmod.com/download 

Force To Leave Mod: http://bit.ly/2R9t4oa 

BDSM Equipment And Animations: by Kritical https://bit.ly/3BCz3bH (LoversLab)

Error404Philips Sex Animations: https://bit.ly/3CDw180 (LoversLab)

GreyNaya Sex Animations: https://bit.ly/3Cqr6aI (LoversLab)

Mike24 Sex Animations: https://bit.ly/3bk14Ka (LoversLab)

Sexy Gigs Adult Film Studio Venue: https://bit.ly/3CumSPb 

Sexy Gigs Street Walker Park v2: https://bit.ly/3mxnY7v 

Sexy Gigs Sleazy Motel Remodel: https://bit.ly/3CmWhDE 

Sexy Gigs Surrogate Sex Therapist Office: https://bit.ly/3vVs8c8 

Sexy Gigs Sex Dungeon Remodel: https://www.mediafire.com/file/4brfkytxlofbvi9/Sex_Dungeon_Venue.zip/file 

Sexy Gigs Trap House: https://www.mediafire.com/file/mg9y6yowsdi444l/Original_Squatter_Trap_House.zip/file 

Wicked Whims Settings
All gigs in this mod are created to use the Wicked Whims Mod for sex animations.  You'll definitely need to adjust the settings for your desired playstyle. Make sure you're always using the latest version of any mod for everything to work as intended.  To find the settings menu for Wicked Whims, click on any Sim and the "Wicked" menu. This menu will give you 4 options, select "Settings". Now you're presented with a ton of options that can get confusing at times.  However the core features you'll need are located in the Sex settings.  

The new Master Settings allow you to easily enable or disable main features without having to dig too deep into everything.  Example, if you don't want the Peeping Tom this is where you can disable him quickly.  Overall how you adjust the Master Settings are all a matter of preference.

Settings that work well with Sexy Gigs allow you to instantly start sex instead of talking and traveling to the sex location, will always accept sex, can control NPC Sims sex animations, and change sex location when the current animation is playing.  Most of this is managed in the Sex Settings.

How To Instantly Start Sex
Click on Sex Settings, Advanced sex interaction settings, Sex initiation settings, and select Instant.  Sex will start instantly, teleporting Sims to the sex location.

How To Make An NPC Always Accept Sex
Click on Sex Settings, Cheats, and select both options.  Sims will always accept sex propositions.  

Enable Manual NPC Sims Sex And Change Location Anywhere
Click on Sex Settings, Cheats, and select Manual NPC Sims Sex.  This will enable you to control sex with NPCs which is required with the Pimping gig.  Just beneath you'll see the option to Change sex location anywhere. Select this too. It's handly when you're already in an animation but want to manually switch to another without having to stop that animation.

Disable Sex Autonomy (Optional)
Click on Master Settings, deselect the Sex Autonomy switch. 

There many more settings that you might want to adjust.  Pregnancy, sweating, cum, crab lice, and nudity skill.  They are self explanatory and depend on your preference.

How To Start Gameplay
Now your ready to use the mod and the first thing you'll need is a base game computer.  Which computer you use will matter because interactions will not show up on some computers.  You may have to change and test out different ones. Find the Sexy Gigs menu on the computer which will reveal options to "Check For Gigs", "Quit A Sexy Gig", and "Give your Sim the Pre Escort Trait". Please be aware this mod is currently a work-in-progress with several patches planned to fix current issues.  Some features may be completely different by the time you read this.  I will make efforts to update this particular post when that happens. As for now, the two main options are to find a gig you want to play and the ability to quit when you want.

How To Become A Trap Queen
The first thing you need to do is Check For Gigs on the computer and select Trap Queen.  This will give you the Trap Queen trait and all the social interactions needed to run a drug business, recruit Street Dealers, and turn Crackheads into Crack Whores. The next step is to setup your trap house.  You can make your own or download this one if you want.  

Link is at the top of the post.

Set the venue type to generic and add the Trap House lot trait.  This lot trait will spawn several Crackheads who will purchase as much crack from you as you can sell.  

The only drugs available to purchase is crack and you'll need to get that from a Plug which is another way to say drug supplier.  You can meet the supplier by using the "Handle Drug Business" menu on the computer and "Invite Plug Over".  When the Plug arrives click on them and introduce yourself if needed.  You should then have the "Trap Queen" social menu to Buy and Sell Crack.  These two interactions currently do not have icons.  The issue is known and being fixed in an upcoming patch, as well as other issues.  For example, in this version you can only buy and sell crack, there isn't a way to consume or smoke it just yet.  However these features are coming very soon.

If you don't see the option to Buy Crack it means the NPC Plug does have the trait.  I've included a temporary interaction to cheat the trait to the npc.  And then the option to buy should appear under the main Trap Queen menu.

When you purchase the crack you get 12 bags sent automatically into your inventory.  The price is $120.  Now click on the Crackheads and sell crack to them.  You also have several other menus to help manage your trap house.  The Trap House menu will give you social interactions to use on Crackheads and anyone in the trap house.  The Street Dealers menu will allow you to recruit Sims to sell crack for you.  You can "Ask To Sell Crack For You", and Discuss Becoming A Street Dealer For You".  If they agree more options to manage them will appear.  Use Trap Queen phone menu to send your Street Dealers to sell crack on your corners. They'll leave for a rabbithole and return in a couple of hours.  They do not require any crack in their inventory nor can you collect any money from them upon return.  For now use the computer to Collect Drug Money every 24 hours.

The last stream of income you can create is turning Crackheads into Crack Whores.  Use the Crack Whores menu to ask Crackheads to become Crack Whores, Trap Queen phone menu to send them off to the streets if they agree to do so.

How To Become A Porn Star
Using the Sexy Gigs menu on a basegame computer, "Check For Gigs", and select "Porn Star" to get the required trait for your Sim.  Now use the "Manage Porn Career" menu on the computer to invite a Porn Producer over.  Use Porn Producer interactions and Friendly interactions to build up the friendship track.  When it's high enough you'll trigger the " Offer Sex For A Role In A Porn Movie".  This interaction will give your Sim a required trait.  The producer will always turn down the offer but suggest your Sim look for auditions.

Before you start going on auditions, Invite a Co-Star over.  The Co-Star will go with you to the porno studio and record the movie. Now use the computer to go on an audition via the "Manage Porn Career" menu.  When you return you'll have a new phone interaction under the Work menu.  This gig does not have it's own phone menu just yet.  Select "Perform In A Porno Movie" when your ready. You'll see your Co-Star in a SimPicker. Select the Co-Star for the both of you to travel to the porno studio.  However you'll have a situation where generic lots will not be among the venue types you're able to travel to. The only work around is to setup the porno studio as a lounge, deal with the extra Sims and shoot the Porno Movies best you can.  I have a new version of this gig coming out soon, stay tuned for that.

Be sure to add the Porno Studio lot trait to your studio lot.  Now you and the Co-Star can perform the porno event.  Goal the event to earn a good amount of money. 

HornyFans Model
Not working at all.  Fix coming soon.

Sexy Opportunities
For this gig you will not need to "Check For Gigs", everything happens at the club or similar venue. There are three lot traits that bring Gay Clubs, Lesbian Clubs, and Escorting into the Sims 4.  The Gay Club lot trait will spawn "Gay Clubbers" while the Lesbian Club lot trait will spawn "Lesbian Clubbers".  You can set the venue type to generic but you'll need to spend money to hire a bartender or add the trait to existing night clubs.  

Gay and Lesbian clubs offer Sims a chance to hang out somewhere safe and express themselves freely.  When you enter the club you'll get a trait that'll give the Sim special social interactions to mingle around with.  The trait is removed when they leave the club.  

Adding the Sexy Gigs lot trait will spawn an NPC Pimp to the venue.  This NPC has a special opportunity for you to become an escort.  Use friendly social interactions, build up the friendship track, and ask to become an escort.  Once you're an escort you can go home, get on the computer and start arranging events with clients.  There are two types of experiences you can offer.  The "Girlfriend Experience" will be just a regular date with the client.  Goal the event and earn a good amount of money. The "Professional Sex Experience" is more of a transactional event. You have sex for money with the client.  This event requires Wicked Whims to complete and the money is earn if you goal the event.

Sex Worker:
Get the trait through the Sexy Gigs menu on the computer.  Use the computer to invite a sex buyer over or place an ad.  When you place the ad you'll get a phone call later and ability to travel somewhere with the npc sex buyer.  You still have interactions for street walking.  Street Walker Park Lot Trait should work find for you.  Let me know if it doesn't.

No trait needed, just get the HornyFans Content Creation Station.  You can now Live Stream.  Menus have been updated as well as all interactions.  You may notice that you can move around freely when recording a video.  This is intended for you to record a video using Wicked Whims.  There needs to be a little more integration via Buffs.  I will definitely work on that as an upcoming feature.  You gain fame with some of the interactions.

Pimping, Surrogate Sex Therapist, and Dominatrix are working.  The new content for these require a patch and removed to figure out fixes.  Known issue with pie menu icons.  This problem will most likely require me to complete redo the tuning.  

!!!!!!!!!!!!! Remember to remove any previous versions of the mod before you install this version. !!!!!!!!!!!!

To Install:
Download the zip file.  The zip file cannot go into your mods folder as is, you'll need to use a program like winrar to unzip, then place the mod, as is, into your Sims 4 Mod folder.

A new version of this mod will release very soon, and the gameplay listed above may change a little.  I will post any changes in this post.  There are also several bugs and issues that I'm working on so every gig will work for you.  The upcoming version is 9.2. 

You can now use Discord if you have questions, issues, or suggestions.  Moderator Rainbow Quartz is there to help you.  I will try to keep everyone updated as much as possible but sometimes fall short of that.  Still trying my best and hopefully can improve.  




Thanks for releasing the mod publicly! <3


I'm having trouble loading this to my game. is it several webpages i have to go to to get all the content or is there a one and done download similar to wickedwhims


This version is outdated and doesn't work. Otherwise there aren't a lot of pages just getting the xml injector mod. A new version is releasing in a few days. I'd wait for that version.\