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Saturday 6/29
Sexy Gigs v17 - I'll have to remake the stripper pole for the gig. It's a basic pole, one shape. I'm trying to figure out a few things for it. I did find an extremely useful tutorial for animating with custom objects, this case the stripper pole. I think I have the full concept. I'll be working on this today and tomorrow.

The next progress update will be on Monday.


Thursday 6/27
Sexy Gigs Mod v17 - Continued work for the entire day on Sexy Gigs.

Stripper Career Progress
I haven't figured out how to get the animations to work just yet but closing in. Either way I'm hoping to be done with the mod early next week. That can be Tuesday or Wednesday. Not certain at all. Just giving an estimate. That'll include the update to the mini-site.

I'm delaying work on any other mod until this is complete and released.


Sexy Gigs Mod v17 - Over the next few days I'll be working on the animations for the stripper gig. Once these are done the mod will get retested and released.

Other mods I'm working on:

-Secrets & Confessions
-Animal Control Officer Career v2
-Multipurpose Venues

Hope everyone has a fantastic week ahead :)




😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 the way I keep thinking sexy gigs is about to be released every time you post 🥲🤭


I'll try to be more clear. Thanks for letting me know. I'm currently working on the animations which is the last step before release. When you see my next updates it'll involve how far along I've come with that. Once that's complete then expect the release.

Loretta Hinkle

i have been biting my nails lol. cant wait