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Sunday 5/26
Sexy Gigs Mod v17 - Continued work on this. I will give an update once I'm in testing.


Friday 5/24
Sexy Gigs Mod v17 - I'll be working on this most of the day and tomorrow. Expected to be in testing by Sun.


Wednesday 5/22
BizOp Mod v2 - Still releasing soon as I'm done with the post.

Sexy Gigs v17 - Full focus rest of the day.


Tuesday 5/21
BizOp Mod v2 - Releasing late tonight. Working on the post then release.


Completed retesting for BizOp Mod v2. I did find a small issue with new object interactions that I'll fix today and complete the post. I'm hoping to release tonight but just in case and more likely, look for BizOp Mod Tuesday.

The remainder of the week I'll focus on getting Sexy Gigs released soon. A lot more info coming soon on gameplay features once I'm in testing. This is the Stripper Gig version with updates to existing features and needed fixes. Some gigs have new gameplay added.

I'll be focused on Sexy Gigs the entire week but will keep the updates coming on progress. More mods planned for next week, including new free content. 

