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Sorry guys, I feel quite sick since last week and wasn't very active and although I had returned the Middleton in the meantime I still found this video which I had shot the same day I did the other public video, but this time with some "real" music and my latest compensation applied, thus audio should be cleaner and more realistic than from my previous videos.

I will try to catch up with all messages and comments I got lately.




Absolutely commentless what marshall did. with the middleton and their marketing campaign. It is really a pity that no Company cares about your work and intentity. But of course you already namens the Problem in this Video. We as your followers and hopefully as people who care about your great work can only hope you‘ll keep going. Best case for everybody (even though enough would‘t recognize it) would of course be that you find a Company to create your very own prducts with. I‘ll keep my fingers crossed for this. Something different, do you know the YouTube Channel of a guy called Speakershocker? He tested an interesting pair of headphones, the KEF Mu7. I Oboe you are not a big Fan of KEF, but it would be interesting to hear your opinion on them. As Speakershocker included some binaural Audio samples you don‘t have to buy the headphone yourself but instead could Watch the video and could comment your thoughts about it. I would appreciate this because i found the samples to be tasteful. A little question at last: What about testing gear, patrons would like to ship to you? For example i do have a pair of NuForce Hem 2 inears, wich i could lend you. Don‘t give up Oluv, you‘re doing great.


Was expecting louder and better Stockwell II. Quite dissapointed.