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Also with this ocmparison it's quite obvious that Audio Pro seems to have some issues with rendering a center image correctly. IMO the Audio Pro's have the sound shifted towards the left side, which would be the master speaker. Probably the master and slave measure differently. I could prove this maybe next time by measuring both speakers from both Nubert and Audio Pro separately. This would finally explain why imaging with Audio Pro speakers is so different compared to that from Nubert. Let me know which you think sounds better.

So far I am keeping the SP200 and will wait until I receive the X3000RC to prepare further comparisons and maybe keep those as my main listening system.




Sind die X3000RC denn schon unterwegs? Bin mal gespannt, ob sich die 600€ Aufpreis lohnen.


And once again, I really love those tiny Nuberts. More sparkle and more soundstage. Definitely great speakers…


Werden wohl morgen verschickt. Hat sich etwas verzögert. Nächste Woche dann mehr dazu.