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Every music era has an own “sound”, if you think of music from the 60s, 70s, 80s… I am usually not a big fan of music that was recorded during the 90s. While 70s recordings are usually warm and smooth, during the mid 80s they started to sound more and more sterile, with some cold digital sound to them. Therefore I usually omit albums from the 90s even if the music may be great, the use of those digital sample based synthesisers from that period together with the back then popular recording techniques resulted in a sound which I just cannot enjoy. An artist with great albums during the 70s and 80s mostly released crappy stuff during the 90s with lots of exceptions of course, but I really think recordings started to become more analog and warmer sounding after the turn of the century again.

This time you will hear only recordings from the 90s you will notice that they simply sound different, somehow thinner and brighter than modern more recent recordings. Some still have a bit of 80s soul, but the transition from 80s to 90s was fluid. I hope you enjoy the back in times look into the 90s sound which I think is really represented well with these recordings.






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