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Some mostly jazzy stuff as usual, unfortunately one track is missing on Spotify and the track from Sara K has some digital artefacts encoded at least in the iOS version, but apart from that a nicely spatial binaural recording from Chesky records:






I got my Earfun Free Pro 2 and I applied your tuning. I have a 5600 hz ear resonance. But the 4100 7 db boost I found in your tuning is just very harsh. I rather keep it at - 3 db (10 db softer than in your turning). The rest filters are just like your 5600hz tuning. Like this it sounds similar to my HD600 but more detailed and more transparent.


Hi Leute. Kann mir irgendjemand mit den Playlists helfen? Hatte bisher Apple Music und Deezer parallel, meine Tochter hatte bis jetzt Spotify. Mittlerweile streamt die ganze Sippe "nur noch" Deezer HiFi (Family Account). Bisher habe ich die Playlists entweder von Apple Music oder von Spotify mittels "SongShift" in meinen Deezer-Acc synchronisiert. Geht nun freilich nicht mehr. Hat irgendjemand von euch zufällig Apple Music oder Spotify UND Deezer, und kann mir Oluvs Playlists irgendwie nach Deezer synchen? Oder kennt ihr eine andere Möglichkeit? Mir taugen die Playlists, aber jedes Lied einzeln zu synchen ist lästig.... Vielen Dank und beste Grüße 🙋🏻‍♂️ Hi guys Can anyone help me with the playlists? Had Apple Music and Deezer in parallel, my daughter had Spotify until now. Meanwhile, the whole clan streams "only" Deezer HiFi (Family Account). So far I have synchronized the playlists either from Apple Music or from Spotify using "SongShift" in my Deezer-Acc. Now, of course, no longer works. Do any of you happen to have Apple Music or Spotify AND Deezer, and can somehow sync Oluv's playlists to Deezer for me? Or do you know another way? To me the playlists are good, but syncing each song individually is annoying.... Thank you and best regards 🙋🏻‍♂️