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According to the ear canal resonance statistics nearly 1/3 of people seem to be around 6000Hz. At the same time there are 12 so far who get values below 5200Hz, and I am not sure if my current 5100 setting can cover all those resonances or even lower than that.

As a test I created additional tunings for 5900Hz and 6100Hz, as you will already notice a frequency shift with any deeper or more shallow insertion and your own resonance may lay exactly in between 2 available values. I would like to hear your feedback if one of the new settings in between 5800 and 6000 or in between 6000 and 6250 improves the result for you:

I also added those settings to the neutral tuning posting. They should all measure more or less the same at their given resonance:

I still cannot promise that all my settings so far can satisfy every listener, at least one of you doesn't like any of the tunings I created so far for both the Free Pro and Free Pro 2. But 60% seem to prefer my neutral tuning for the Free Pro 2 most. I would also hope that more of you will post their own personal user settings which we could share with others to offer maybe even better results for those who perceive my own theoretical settings as off which are just based on measurements that I cannot verify with my own ear anymore.

As an addition I can also offer a custom tuning service for anyone interested. It's quite cumbersome to measure exact resonance values, and needs several attempts to measure precisely, therefore creating a custom tuning for a given resonance value can take me some hours. Everyone wanting a custom tuning for your own ear canal resonance can take the "Hifi-level", send me a message which ear canal resonance and which tuning exactly you need and I will try to create an optimised setting for your particular resonance including your wishes for additional tweaks like more bass or less bass etc. I can also try to offer values lower than 5100Hz although I will need to modify my current measuring system to be able to measure lower values than that. 5100Hz is my current low limit, while higher values than 8300Hz are not possible to measure at all. I cannot insert the Earfun Free Pro 2 any deeper as the housing doesn't allow it.

In future there will be more different tunings, I am planning to offer a unique tuning every month, therefore you will be able to select from way more flavours soon. I hope like this I can satisfy all needs in the long term and save you some back from buying other headphones again and again. 


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