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After return from holidays I sat down to prepare tunings strictly following the 2019 Harman target. Tunings are available from 5800Hz to 7650Hz, as this range seems to cover the major part of ear canal resonances according to the current statistics here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/60519720 

I would welcome anyone new here to also add his values in order to make this statistics even more representative.

All tunings should offer the same response with their respective ear canal resonances up to about 15khz where some variation will occur. The visible difference in bass is again a side-effect or measuring error of the couplers. I optimised the bass for a coupler resonance closer to 8K as the couplers will measure low frequencies more precisely like this, bass will appear higher at lower resonances, although I am still trying to figure out if this difference is hearable as well, or only a result of the measuring system. As before, some particular settings may use less than 10 filters, in this case you will have a spare filter left. Keep in mind that this is measured with my reference unit, due to sample variation other units may differ in some particular ranges.

I highly doubt that there is another IEM which manages to follow the Harman target as strictly as this tuning here, especially as each tuning is optimised for the individual ear canal resonance avoiding any peaks, which you won't be able to achieve with any other IEM. 

Although I personally don't like the sound of this tuning, some may prefer this over my more personal tunings that were achieved by long listening sessions comparing to neutral references thus may have too much of my own HRTFs baked in. The Harman target on the other hand is heavily smoothened therefore could work better over a larger group of different ears. 

The brain can get used to the sound signature after some while anyhow, if I listen to it for longer, my own tunings start sounding weird, but as soon as you start comparing to other neutral references, you will notice that the Harman target sounds off and I do not think it represents any kind of natural sound as it's just some "average" heavily smoothened curve sampled over various listeners and their personal preferenes.


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