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As we are nearly 1000 this month (although many will leave again after tomorrow) I wanted to make a final poll again asking you about your ear canal resonance frequency similar to the one I did before: https://www.patreon.com/posts/59465634

But this time I extented the range even more and would kindly ask everyone to tell me their value they are getting with either the Free Pro or Free Pro 2 (by selecting the most nearby value provided). In case your left and right ear differs, please select both values.

Like demonstrated before, it's the main peak I am looking for visible in the measurements at 6khz in my case and it should be hearable well with the "empty EQ" for both the Free Pro and Free Pro 2:

I need to get a better overview about the real distribution of ear canal lenghts for the planning of my future products and how to deal with the different individiual resonances. The more answers I get the better to get a valid representation of the actual situation, it will help me a lot for my future work. 

Thanks a lot, O.


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