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Update: I uploaded a simple video with both files cut together, for those too lazy to download and manually compare both recordings, of course you will lose some information due to YouTube’s compression: https://youtu.be/qQrZavOMTMI

Attached are 2 uncompessed WAV-files extracted from my last video with 3 different songs played through each headphone, but both recordings were equalized to flat to have exactly the same frequency response. They are synced with matched volume so that you can compare them with the ABX plugin for Foobar or something similar.

I wonder if you can still distinguish them due to "better resolution", "better imaging", "better soundstage", "better bass quality" or whatever, which headphone is A, which is B?

Keep in mind that any imbalance between left/right channel will still be noticeable and those factors can also contribute to some difference in perceived sound stage etc.

I would like to make a more controlled test like this with several headphones, cheap, expensvie ones etc... without moving the headphones between all songs etc. This is just a quick first test. 


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