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Update: I replaced this video with a new one with already the latest compensation applied. In case you still want to hear the wrong compensated one, it's still public: https://youtu.be/MucGoFO1dFA

I had some tough time and sleepless nights lately as I tried to improve my recording quality  after hearing the results of this video, because I was not statisfied with what I was hearing and started to question everything. 

The problem was obivously Sonarworks, I used their profiles since the very beginning some years ago and trusted them without ever trying to verify their methods until now by finally setting up my iLoud Micro Monitors and listening to the HD600 and comparing the sound of the headphone to that of the speakers just like I did in this video here. To my surprise Sonarworks was nowhere close to the actual sound but when trying Oratory1990's "optimum Hifi" EQ for the HD600 and fine tuning that a little bit further to get even closer to the sound of the speakers I was hearing, I think my upcoming recordings will benefit a lot from this approach. Hours of listsening, comparing and finetuning was the result and this actual video here is already with the new compensation applied, which should appear more neutral and less colored sounding especially in the upper mids which were sounding quite resonant before, particularly noticable a lot especially when not listening  over the referenced headphone. I always disliked how S-sounds sounded, also when listening over the Earfun Free Pro OE there was always somthing that bugged me, but now the recording should sound more realistic over other headphones too, because the EQ for the reference headphone brings the sound closer to a "neutral sound" of speakers which in return should minimise all colorations within the recording circle.  The key to success is to start with an as neutral as possible reference headphone in order to make the recordings appear also plausible without any own colorations when listened over other heapdhones or even speakers. I think I finally managed to make my recordings even more valid and will try to come up with some short demo before/after, but I need to pause a bit now as my ears are irritated now due to all the repeated insertions during the last days. You can also watch this video with the old compensation and tell me which you like better soundwise: https://youtu.be/X5sJ-r2ZdhQ

My apologies for these circumstances but I  never was really satisfied with my recordings until now especially when listening over other headphones than the original self referencing one. If you have the HD600, please use the attached EQ to get exactly the same results as me, or simply use Oratory1990's Optimum Hiifi EQs for all the other headphones he provided or even his Harman EQs which are just more bassheavy than Optimum Hifi: https://www.reddit.com/r/oratory1990/wiki/index/list_of_presets

All my upcoming tuning approaches will be also based on the optimum Hifi target instead of trying to come up with my own one, I will just do further adjustments and peak reductions on top of that.

Please let me know your thoughts!


Kii Three BXT & Dan Clark Stealth - correct compensation


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