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This is going to be public but I wanted to share it with you already before.

I cannot await all the shitstorn…

PS: attached the EQ setting used in this video for the Q30:


Headphone madness

Listening to these headphones: Sennheiser HD660S Anker SoundCore Life Q30 Anker SoundCore Life Q35 Anker SoundCore Life Q20+ Austrian Audio Hi-X15 Philips Fidelio X2HR Drop Hifiman HE-X5XX



We hate bullshit which is why we welcome your reviews! Keep up the good work!


Sehr cool und völlig korrekt, freue mich auch schon auf die Reaktionen. 👍🏼


Thanks. Can you please put the model names in the description of the final video. In the middle of the video I forgot the model names and it would be useful to be able to see the full model name for reference when you mention them after the sound test.


Very well said, it’s business, not audio that matters…


Cool video. May I know why you didn’t put the 3 Beyerdynamic’s into the sound comparison? Are you planning to deal with those in the future?


yes, I am planning to do a separate Beyerdynamic video covering all models at once, but the only usable one is the DT770/80 for me with some slight modification it sounds very decent. The others would need serious EQ. One issue I currently have is that live I cannot quite demonstrate the change of sound with different positioning as my recorder will rather clip due to capturing subsonic content when moving a headphone around. I wanted to wait to get my custom built low-cut filter, but it seems as if this "project" was delayed again and again.


1/3 way in - video is now not available.


Says video is private 😬


Great video. Since you always say that the shape of the ear canal is what matters the most I'm wondering if this counts the same way for open back headphones as it does for inears because with an open back design you don't get the closed tube you get with in ears


Says private for me as well.


No, at least not to such a degree like with inears. With inears you create a closed pipe from both ends with own resonances and these can vary in frequency depending on the length of this pipe, that’s why etymotic was so clever with their deep insertion method as you squeeze this volume and shift those peaks to much higher frequencies. Of course I cannot quite “investigate” how much influence the ear canal alone has on over ear headphones; there is definitely some influence too but not to such a degree. I am not a scientist and my knowledge about all these facts is not that profound.


Hello Oluv, if part of the urban legends is true, some of headphones are more demanding on the source / play crappy by design when plugged in directly to a notebook analog output. Did you use a DAC or in your feeling it would not bring any value. (somehow I have missed that part). Thx for a great work!


To me the difference if any was so insignificant that I didn’t bother more with that. I am not sure what aspects others are hearing or think to hear but I didn’t want to waste my time with that. I could try once to compare a crazy expensive DAC/amp combo against a simple iPhone output, I already did such tests and a small percentage could distinguish some differences between all sources, but the major part heard all more or less equal.


Könntest du nochmal den EQ ( anker) von dir hochladen. Hat sich da noch was geändert bei dir? Schade das der Sennheiser HD 560s nicht dabei war


i had quite a lot of headphones/inears. but for now all i really need is the etymotics er3xr/er4xr & earfun oluv.


Kurz und schmerzlos dein Resümee - ich bin unfassbar gespannt wie es irgendwann losgeht wenn du wirklich die Entwicklung eines eigenen Produktes voran treibst. Super spannendes Projekt für die Zukunft!


It’s the same for me except that I stopped using Etymotics due to the issues with deep insertion. The other ones used are the Q30 and Elex, I rarely use something else


Es läuft gerade an. Aber ich kann nicht wirklich abschätzen, wie lange das Ganze dauern wird bis wirklich erste konkrete Ergebnisse da sind. Das Produkt an sich ist ja nicht das Problem, eher das Drumherum, von dem ich eher wenig Ahnung habe.


Oluv, try JBL TUNE 500BT, in my opinion they are very good for the money


Hello, the new Q30 eq is tuned to the latest firmware (if anything changed) or not? Thank you.


I haven’t measured any change in sound with any update since the very beginning with the Q30


What about Drop Panda? you said that you can tune them to sound good. "Headphone show" people (resolve, crinacle, etc) said that they are the worst detailed headphones and cannot be fixed with EQ. it could be interesting to prove them wrong.


Please show us your eq for the q35


Oluv, thanks for the new EQ for the Q30. Are these the new values for the bands? 100 (-6) 200 (+6) 400 (+3) 800 (+3) 1.6k (+1) 3.2k (+6) 6.4k (0) 12.8k (-1) Just wanted to make sure I set it up correctly. Great video and shows how close the Q30 sounds to the original recording of "Analog."