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Currently it would not seem as if Earfun wanted to take the risk of producing another production run of these, they obviously want to appeal to the masses and sell large quantities not caring about "fidelity" as their regular Free Pro units seem to sell just fine and that was it.

But I don't want to let this project and my hard work to be killed just like that, as I am confident that the OE edition offers the best sound quality on the market right now, therefore I am planning to get some regular units and offer them with my tuning as special offer to all Patrons who will take the snakeoil tier. This will be a limited offer, depending a lot on how high the demand will be and how many units I can manage to handle, becasue the update procedure is not a 1-click solution and needs some time. If I need to take care of 100 units, it will take some time and effort. 

Please let me know your thoughts.


Earfun Free Pro OE - the final chapter

I have a couple of units left, send me an email if you are interested: oluv.earfun@gmail.com Support me on Patreon the get the latest news and content: https://www.patreon.com/oluvsgadgets



Hey Oluv, great news, I would definitely be interested in getting the Earfun Free Pro OE, as I missed the original offer. Where can I officially apply?


Hi Oluv, I bought Earfun Free OE and I really like them, I think you are the best audiophile , as you are the only one I pay Patreon. Please keep doing what are you doing because you are the best


Nice gesture. Because of the limited offer on earfun I had to act quickly😃 . I got my own OE now. Very satisfied with the sound. Keep on.


Hi Oluv! Thanks for your hard work. I definitely want to buy one unit.


It would be great! I couldn't get a pair when they was released and I was crossing my fingers hoping you will launch a third batch of them. I will stay tunned, thanks!


Gege bonjour si j ai bien compris il y a un nouvel ecouteur earfun free pro oe okay oluv je veux en acheter 1 merci aussi pour tous les conseils et test sur le matos toujours plus judicieux bon week-end


Hey Oluv, ich wäre grundsätzlich auch an dein Earfuns interessiert. Ich hoffe sehr dass man auch in der Zukunft richtige hochwertige Kopfhörer von dir kaufen kann, allein der Anker Q30 mit deinem EQ ist einfach der Wahnsinn!


Oh, I'm in, two of my friends as well.


Ich hab seit heute probleme mit den earfun inears(oluv edition). Villeicht liegts nur daran dass der linke earbud nicht vollgeladen ist(warum auch immer, waren beide im ladecase). Höre nur von rechts den Bass. Bei allen songs:/


Hmm, hatte ich bisher noch nie. Man kann sie glaub ich auch resetten, oder versuch mal die ganz zu entladen. Ist aber nicht normal.


Das ist nicht so einfach. Man muss die richtigen Kontakte haben und genügend Kapital um das umzusetzen.


I would buy another pair for sure! And maybe it would be good if everybody aroubd here would not just buy only one pair to reduce the work per pair for oluv. By the way I just discovered this offer: https://www.ebay-kleinanzeigen.de/s-anzeige/earfun-free-pro-limited-edition-tuned-by-oluv/1752711850-172-794?utm_source=sharesheet&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=socialbuttons&utm_content=app_android


Hello, Oluv! I would definitely buy one pair of headphones. It was not possible to buy from the site https://myearfun.com because they are not delivered to my country.


Hello. I would like to know what is the difference between Earfun Free Pro OE and Earfun Free Pro. Having bought Earfun Free Pro is it possible to make Earfun Free Pro OE out of them using an equalizer? If is any possibility to answer here because my English is not so good to understand via Speaking in video . And also how is possible to buy one pair of OE version. Regards


It’s hard to describe, but my tuning sounds completely different. The original one is very boomy with no definition to the sound. There is no way to apply an EQ to the regular one; my tuning is based on a raw firmware which has no Eq applied, this already sounds better and more balanced than the regular one. I am planning to prepare a video showing the difference in sound, but I was asked by Earfun not to make a public video


Hallo Oluv, ich verfolge deine Videos schon länger und schätze deine Empfehlungen und Ansichten sehr. Diese haben mir schon den einen oder anderen sehr guten Kauf beschert. Mir gefällt der neutrale klare Klang der earfun Oluvs edition. Sie machen immer extrem viel spaß bei all meinen Songs und das nicht nur Zuhause sondern überall, ohne zusätzliche EQ settings oder andere unnötige Kompromisse. Wenn es die Möglichkeit gibt noch ein oder zwei Paar zu bekommen wäre ich sofort dabei. Danke für deine super arbeit!


Really great if you'll manage to squeeze out another batch. I would like to buy two pair! 🤗


Thanks so much for not letting this project go away like a bad sound from some medicore headphones. I'll highly support your idea of the limited offer with the new units tuned by you. Go for it! And I hope many of us patereons who missed to buy them the usual way or want a 2nd pair will go for it, too.


Okay alles wieder gut mit meinen earfuns. War wohl der linke earbud nicht vollgeladen. warum auch immer, der rechte verbrauchte wohl weniger akku und hat sich nicht so schnell entladen. Deshalb ging der linke wohl noch an, aber ohne bass um energie zu sparen.


Vielleicht wars auch der kleine staubkrümmel an den linken pins im ladecase. Der linke war wohl auf jeden fall entladen, ging aber per touch manuell an und hat sich dann verbunden-nur ohne bass. Aber bin froh dass nochmal voll aufladen im case es wohl von allein behoben hat


How different is the sound of these ones from your tuning of Jaybird Freedom F5? I really like your tuning of F5, they sound almost like etymotic er4xr to me (while being much cheaper and more versatile).


I would definitely buy a pair from you Oluv. I can pay upfront if that helps. Thank you so much.


I' am so stressed out waiting for the TWS to be delivered. My Earfun is still waiting to be delivered. 7 days already passed, and the package is still sitting in the parcel center in Germany (almost two weeks after arriving to german airport). It is really unusual, I'm slowly loosing the hope that I'll get them someday. Is there anybody else still waiting for the delivery in Germany? Maybe there is a fan of Oluvs smooth sound signature at the parcel company, who figured out what's in the package, and simply stole it... I hope not! 😉


I stopped using the Jaybirds as I had repeated connectivity problems with them. Also I needed to use foam tips with them as my EQ didn’t work well with the included silicone tips. I had a short listen and compared both now and they do not sound that dissimilar, although I think the Earfun sound smoother and is more comfortable to wear besides there is not wire In between. I always found the wire behind my neck quite annoying. I definitely like the Earfuns more soundwise.


I joined the Patreon just to post that I'm in. Which tier is the "snakeoil" tier?


I love these with your tuning Oluv! Thank you for all your hard work and consistency!


Joined to show appreciation for king Olaf's blunt truth. What would Olaf think of the Devialet Gemini in-ears? Maybe I missed out some history, but wonder why Oluv never tested Devialets (except a few vaccums)?


I cannot afford buying all this stuff on my own, despite all the great support here. And companies don’t treat me seriously if I asked for a review sample. I wanted to heat the KEF Mu3 and asked them, but they wanted me to review their LS50 wireless II instead. I hope I will still get the Mu3 as well.


Since I came very late to get aware of the Earfun Free Pro OE, the second batch was already sold out. So, I am very interested in getting a pair of Oluv's tuned TWS. Maybe there are some alternatives how to handle this: Each who is interested in the tuning could buy a unit by himself and register at Oluv's that he likes to have his earbuds being tuned. And Oluv may put everyone on a waiting list and may estimate how long tuning will take. Then the taker may decide to place the order at Oluv and send him the earbuds. Oluv just needs to tell what's his tuning is worth to pay him for his work. And he doesn't need to buy all the unites himself. Just my thoughts on it.


Hurry up. There's a third batch coming out, but I doubt they'll last.