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I measured all 3 AMBEO units as they all sound slightly different and would need different EQ settings for best results, there seems to be some stronger sample variation present when looking at these graphs. Graphs are raw uncompensated and the AMBEO sets have the flat EQ preset applied.

On top is my black unit, which sounds best with the EQ settings I have posted before. Below is the second white unit I got yesterday which has the strongest imbalance, this was also hearable to me. At the bottom is my 1st white unit, which has more response at 5khz and less upper treble extension thatn my black unit. It is impossible to match responses for both units with the built in EQ due to the overall differences. 

Just wanted to tell you to avid any disappointment if your unit won't sound that great with the shown settings.

Update: added all 3 units averaged for left and right on top of each other to show the differences better.



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