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I am really glad that my last pair of microphones is still alive and allowed me to finish this video, but I am no 100% confident with the recording in terms of absolute fidelity. The relative differences between all headphones can be still distinguished quite well here and appear correct to me, but I wouldn't trust the overall timbre of the recording, which appears a bit too harsh to me especially in the 5khz region. This doesn't seem to be that obvious with most of the other  headphones but the Airpods Max appear smoother to me in real life than through this recording. I already tried to re-adjust my usual compensation to bring it a bit closer, but don't treat my sound samples too seriously which is als the reason why I didn't include any original recording samples (besides needing all those songs as files to be able to do this).

To conclude the topic Airpods Max: It is a very competent pair of headphones and I really regret returning them, but they are simply too expensive for me although they are not overpriced either. To me they improve a lot with the inclusion of a personal audiogram, but a direct access to this audiogram data in order to manipulate it and get an indirect way of controlling the response at particular key-frequencies would be the dot on the i.

Maybe we have some iOS experts here who can take a look at the audiogram data and how it is built up and how to prepare it to import it back as headphone correction again.


Apple Airpods Max special - the final take!



Great listening session! It was just yesterday when I took my 30-year old AKG K280 Parabolic headphones - an Austrian invention from late 80s, semi-open backs with double drivers forming a kind of "acoustic lens". Nowadays I find them unlistenable - elevated middle bass and totally recessed trebles. But with proper equalization - magic happens. I defined a number of parametric filters in Equalizer APO and set them according to the frequency response chart. But I made the final tweaking "by ear", using a sinewave generator and many well-known tracks. And then I watched your video. I compared not only your recordings but also the same track played locally. Unbelievable, how close in timbre were my AKGs to some of your headphones, especially to Soundcore Q30, slightly less to Airpods, and not so much to Sennheiser HD800s with their weird phasy soundstage. Of course, my local playback gave me a bit clearer sound and better-defined soundstage, but that is justified without additional microphones and YT. So here are my conclusions from yesterday's evening: -your binaural recordings are great for relative comparisons -my equalization process was quite successful -equalization can make good headphones even better. There's no help for headphones with a serious flaw out of the box though. -one doesn't always get what he pays for in Hi-Fi world (Quality-Price-Ratio is fuzzy at least) BTW, thank you for discovering Till Brönner for me. Interesting and very well-recorded music.


I just got the K240 it sounds horrible but I am thinking of it as a cheap monitoring headphone which could be used by everyone for my recordings if I equalize them accordingly.




So you finally got a unit of Elex that refused to break?


No, the final unit that I got had again an imbalance. 4 duds out of 4 is quite a bad statistics


Thanks for always comparing to the Anker Q30, can't believe how good it sounds, I stopped using everything else. Also always enjoying your (Bose) rants, keep going, thats why you will always be the best and most honest reviewer! Cheers


I noticed that the main difference between apple and anker is in the width of the stage and its selectivity (you can hear the places where the instruments are located), I am curious if it is a matter of speakers or the software in the headphones? I was listening to it on the anker headphones so it's possible that many things I just did not listen to.


I'm looking into getting a Q30. I just tried the QC35 and was impressed with the comfort. How is the Q30 in terms of comfort? My Q10 have a pretty hard clamp force and aren't that comfortable.


I actually cannot complain. Maybe the headband on top (where it touches your head) can cause some pressure over time but this probably also depends on the size and form of a head. I had way worse and less comfortable headphones.


I have the Air Pods Max and I think they are very good. I also have some extremely high end headphones (Focal Utopia, Audeze LCD4i and Sennheiser HD800) and similar priced head amps. I listen to a lot of Alternative (Indie) rock but also classical jazz (John Coltrane, Ben Webster, Miles Davis and similar from their era) and I most often I listen to modern orchestral music, Mahler, Rachmaninov, Tschaikowski, Schostakovich etc. up to contemporary “classical’ like Roomful of teeth and Donnacha Dennehy and other young composers. My source is Qobuz mostly HiRes. The reason I bring all this up is that many popular headphones struggle with orchestral music becoming extremely muddy during loud passages and their reproduction of timber and general musicality suffer. Not so with the Air Pods Max. While they can’t match my high end headphones they remain very musical even during intense orchestral passages which I can’t say about any other wireless that I’ve heard, esp. noise cancelling ones. Similarly on well recorded classical jazz like Blue Note recordings the APM capture the essence of the recordings quite enjoyably. When I heard and read the early reviews from YouTubers and the Apple sites I was expecting to send the APM back after i received them but I’m very happy to keep them and have no reservations about listening to them when listening to my other equipment isn’t appropriate. I think its important to judge headphones not just by the music one likes but also with miked live instruments which haven’t been altered by modern recording equipment. This gives one a sense of instrumental timber, soundstage, and instrutment placement on that soundstage. Sorry for going on so long but if any of your other supporters listen to the kinds of music mentioned above and wonder how well the APM handle them, in my opinion they do a surprisingly good job!


Not really interested in Airpods but this Amiga Boing Ball in the background makes my day :-) Thanks for great reviews, I've got the HD58x some months ago and now I'm waiting for the Q30 - all based on your videos.


Oluv, I see you are still using Radsone Earstudio ES100 MK2. Is it worth purchasing now?


I think I have still mk1 therefore I am thinking of getting mk2 just in case. I never had issues with the ES100 it’s powerful enough to drive most headphones and the 10-band EQ works really well. There may be better solutions out there but probably more expensive.


Please let me know what your impressions of using q30 :) I felt a bit lacking in soundstage and I think I had hopeless headphones because for the first time I hear poor quality recordings or compression: P


Oluv mam teraz zagłostkę, Airpods Max czy B&O H95... co byś doradzał dla melomana Soulpersony 😁?


Muszę przyznać ze za mało znam H95 ale AirPods Mäx bym sobie juz dawno kupił gdy by nie były aż tak drogie. Tak za 499 juz bym o nich pomyślał naprawdę mi sie oodobaly choć nie mam aż rak potrzeby na nie, a H95 chyba jeszcze droższe. Trudno mi doradzić ale raczej bym wolał AirPods


What is the Sennheiser, which you refer to as "LX" - what model are those? They sound pretty good.


Ditto! Keep ranting, Oluv! Your honest rants are great.


Hey! Mittlerweile sind ja einige Monate vergangen und die Preise für die Airpods stark gesunken. Kaum gebrauchte bekommt man mittlerweile schon für 350.-. Was denkst du? Nun zuschlagen? Die ernst zu nehmenden Reviews gehen doch ziemlich auseinander. So sagt DMS (youtube) zum Beispiel dass die Max katastrophal klingen. Deine Samples finde ich dagegen super. Auch im Mediamarkt war ich ganz angetan.


Ich hätte sie behalten wenn sie nicht so teuer gewesen wären. DMS hab ich nie wirklich verfolgt, ich kann nicht beurteilen wie objektiv er wirklich ist. Bei den Airpods Max muss man das Gesamtpaket sehen und da kommt kein anderer ran momentan. Ich fand ihn mit persönlichem Hörprofil noch besser aber er greift dann leider auch in die Dynamik ein. Aber vielleicht hat sich ja mit den neueren Firmwares was verbessert. Wo bekommt man die momentan am günstigsten?