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My current EQ settings for the Q30 (sounds best with ANC on and traffic or indoor mode): 

100Hz -6
200Hz +5
400Hz +3
800Hz +1
1.6kHz +1
3.2kHz +6
6.4kHz -2
12.8kHz -1


Anker Soundcore Life Q30 & XB33 taken on a walk



The anker Q30 sounds close to the original recording, for 80€ I’m impressed especially with the active noise cancelling which seems quite efficient, it’s a no brainer as well Ps : I really like this kind of video with snow


Wow, the Ankers sure sound convincing for the price. How is the noise floor? Great video Oluv, good to see you having fun with your son :)


Agree with the above comments. It’s impressive the Anker can get so close to the original recording. At first I couldn’t tell any difference, but as I listened more closely, I could at least tell a small difference, but with your EQ settings, you’ve done very well!


Great... The q30 are awesome with these settings


Some slight hiss with ANC active but not too strong, similar to most other ANC headphones I tried.


I just tested the bose QC2 against my tribits, and first i couldn't disable ANC, even though my phone was allways conneting to the phones the app couldn't quite find, and for that price (200€), they would be decent but but they sound so grainy and muffled due having bass boost that even the ankers here with some slight eq will blow them completly away. i heard them efore without anc but can't really remenber the difference but it wasn't really much either.


Is it possible to get to a close SQ level without the ANC being active? I'm thinking indoor usage, listening to music in a quiet environment. Although if there is no real disadvantage in having the ANC on, I guess one could leave it on even though there isn't any noise to filter out.


Unfortunately not, it becomes quite bassheavy without ANC, although bass is reduced to minimum. It sounds definitely best with ANC and here also with either indoor or traffic mode. Outdoor mode again changes the sound, but I could maybe compensate for that change with another setting, but without ANC the sound gets way more bass, which cannot be corrected with the internal EQ


Ok, thanks, good to know.


Ist das ANC gut genug um Umwelt geräusche zu neutralisieren? Werden die kopfhörer laut genug oder muss man azf 80-90% der Maximallautstärke Musik hören um es zu genießen? Ich kenne leider viele Kopfhörer wie die Marshall on-ears oder auch sennheiser in-ears(MTW) die nicht wirklich laut werden. Die werden dann auf 100% so laut wie wenn jemand mit etwas lauterer Stimme redet...


Also ich höre meistens auf halber Lautstärke, auch in den Videos ist er immer auf 50%. Man hört die Wirkung von ANC in meinem Wien Video ganz gut. Vor allem tiefe Frequenzen werden gut rausgefiltert. In einem Auto kann ich dann nicht mehr sagen ob der Motor überhaupt läuft.


Regarding the Q30, does anyone know if the EQ changes will be saved if you change music sources? I like to switch between my phone and my PC. There isn't an app for the PC that I know of.


Yes it’s permanently saved within the headphone except after a firmware update the setting will be lost so you need to have it in the app to set it again


luv the eq