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It was a long night, but just in time for after midnight and for the Minirig Black Friday sales, I finally managed to finish this video and it's still nearly 12 hours to go until the sale is over.

I hope this can help you with your decision if you are still unsure about the qualities of the Minirgs.

PS: I noticed that some of my recent videos get blocked in Cuba, Iran, North Korea and Syria for copyright reasons. I have no idea how many of my Patrons are affected, but if there are any issues please tell me.


Minirigs vs VIFA Helsinki - after midnight listening session



I have the Helsinki as well as a 2.0 MR3 setup, and they are both really great, just like you said. I had a MR sub 3 also, but sold it because I didn't find it added much at the (rather low) levels I usually listen at. I thought it actually ever so slightly muddled the sound, and was indeed a bit boomy. For high levels and outdoors it's great, but just not suited for my purposes. Btw I contacted Vifa about the upcoming new Vifa Home app, and they assured me it will be released in the near future, whatever that means...


Interesting comparison, the MR3's are very versatile setup and like it so fare. Have a Vifa Oslo and was considering buying a almost new Copenhagen 2.0 ...any thoughts on if it would be a good buy for 240-260 EUR?


Do you know if they plan to support their other speakers in that app or just still Copenhagen and Stockholm models ?


Yes Copenhagen Is very nice, I liked it but it was too large and battery handling was not great. It was mostly discharged the next day if you didn’t force turn off. It goes into some Standby on its own after a while but this mode still seems to drain battery a lot. Acoustically no issues it’s a very potent speaker sweet sounding just not perfectly controlled at high levels.


Arh ok, nice to know about the standby and also nice to know its only at high levels it has some imbalance, but did consider that its not the most portable speaker but thought it could maybe be a hybrid with the speaker power, build in wifi, spotify also the aptx HD was interesting. BTW is their any know issue with the Helsinki and Oslo, not turn green when fully charged mine keeps flashing yellow even after charging overnight?


Yeah thought so, might be the charging circuit since it seems to hold a charging ok...have to see.


Oluv just out of curiosity, how much do you think did mirigs improve in sound, not loudness from subwoofer version 2 to 3?


The sound is not that much different. The new sub is just more powerful, I once made a measurement I think, new one could keep the bass for quite a bit longer without limiting. Biggest difference is driver and more powerful amp, also bigger battery and faster charging. The old sub took much longer to charge


Hi, after i listened all the tracks, i can say that vifa has a more V shaped than minirig. Vifa has more beautiful sound in deep bass and more detail in treble. Minirig has some strength in mids. Minirig can show the front instrument or vocal more than vifa. I guess these are the best portable speakers as i can search and very hard to choose. If vifa has much more capable of battery, bluetooth 5, waterproofing, i can settle with it but beside sound minirig has very different capabilities.


In my opinion the highs on the vifa sound better to me it’s smoother with this nice lower bass while the highs on the Minirigs seems to have some coloration, it’s maybe a matter of taste i don’t know


Ich kenne deine Ansicht über dich und deine English Videos schon eine Weile. Ich kann dir aus meiner Sicht nur schreiben, dass ich dein Vokabular im englischen sehr erstaunlich und für mehr als ausreichend halte. Das Einzige was mir schon in all der Zeit aufgefallen ist, dass du dazu neigst sehr schnell zu sprechen, wenn du englisch sprichst und dadurch der ein oder andere Fehler sich einschleichen kann. Alles kein Problem, wie ich finde! Du bist ein sehr anspruchsvoller Mensch und möchtest es immer so gut wie möglich machen... Meiner Meinung nach sind deine englischen Videos auf sehr gutem Niveau! Ich würde ein gesprochenes Unboxing dem schriftlichen auf jeden Fall vorziehen. Viele Grüsse Matthias


Für mich als deutscen Muttersprachler, der Netflix auf Englisch mit deutschen Untertiteln schaut, sprichst du mir in Englisch eigentlich zu schnell. Dein Vokabular ist breit und von hoher Abwechslung, ich habe mich schon öfter gefragt, ob für dieses Sprachniveau (C2?) nur Schule und Studium ausreichen oder ob du mit US/UK-Kollegen arbeitest....


I like to have some thoughts about the Anker headphones. I thought about buying them, and after that video I just did it befor the end of the discount. if it is easier for you to do it in textform sometimes, then I am OK with that. maybe there are some heart projects that you can put more effort into then.


Unfortunately the Vifa app now cannot set anymore the latest loudness eq. And form my Samsung S10+ it does not even connect anymore with the app.. what a pity. I think it could be related to the fact that Vifa was sold to a chinese company.


I predicted this before, and they always belonged to a Chinese owner just that they closed the main Danish office. They claim to release a new Vifa home app soon supporting all speakers, but I don’t quite believe it.


„Du hast gestern Kaka gegessen“ - Göttlich . 😁 Toller Vergleich wieder einmal. Danke sehr! And yes, your English is really good, just keep on giving us such interesting comparisons. Also or especially in English. Cheers!