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Sennheiser HD560S - after midnight listening session



Servus Oluv! I like this. Great, chill combination of listening, A/B comparisons and measurements with comparisons. It would be interesting to see how your in-ear mics measure on a felt flat plate so that we can get a sense for the contribution of your ear shape to the measurements you take with the in-ears in your ears. What's the song at 34min?


The pure mics measure close to flat, I compared them to my UMIK-1. Solderdude measures flat plate, you can comapre his to mine directly. I will post the full playlist later.


Great job as always Oluv! Have you ever tried the HD660S? Yesterday I compared them with the HD650, I found the midrange of HD660S a tiny bit muddy, but hidden details are clearer and really easier to find out in comparison with the HD650! I'd like to hear your opinion


I must confess I have never heard the HD660S and I think it's too expensive for what it offers. I didn't like the HD6XX (which is the HD650 more or less) that much either. It was too muddy for me, especially compared against the HD600.


Checking the differences in clap tone in Clapton recording :D


I think everyone should know how a realistic clap should sound, it also has something of a pink noise character.


I have tried the hd6xx and yes the mid-bass hump makes the headphone sounds muddy, so I think the hd560s is a great value.


Ich bin heute mal nicht deiner Meinung. Der Elex klingt für mich runder, ausgewogener ob mit oder ohne EQ beim HD560. Vielleicht bin ich voreingenommen da ich die Session über einen Elear mit Clear Pads höre und der Sound näher an meine Gewohnheit kommt . Gerade bei den Steve Mc Queens fand ich die Frauenstimme weit besser. Danke für das Video und ich freue mich, dass du wieder Kopfhörer testest. Viele Grüsse aus Deutschland


Ich habe gemerkt dass der HD560S über den Radsone EQ deutlich besser klingt als über iTunes. Ich vermute die Bandbreite der Bänder ist in iTunes schmäler und der Eingriff klingt resonanter. Beim Elex (zumindest der aktuell gebastelten) passt in den Höhen etwas nicht, ich hab auch mit den Pads ein wenig gespielt und sie nicht ganz reingesteckt, klingt dann für mich deutlich angenehmer. Bin echt gespannt ob mir Drop wirklich noch den versprochenen schickt. Ich warte schon über 1 Jahr drauf.


Great video Oluv! I like how you kept saying you will leave the EQ off but can't help turning it on again haha. I take it as a tell of how boosted the treble is. Also iTunes might not be the best option to do an EQ on/off test due to the delay in switching, though the difference in this one is obvious.


Mir hat der 560S nicht gefallen, irgendwo zwischen 2 und 7khz hat er zu viel und oberhalb 8khz dann zu wenig.


Ich finde nicht dass ihm oberhalb von 8khz was fehlt, die Höhen sind insgesamt sehr betont aber der peak bei 5khz ist halt am störendsten


Hi Oluv. I've heard some people say there are similarities between the 560S and the DT880... I loved the DT880, it's the least offensive on treble from the DTs and hit my liking. I was wondering if you could give a detailed opinion on that comparison, as I'm considering making purchases soon. Thanks and glad to see you back on headphones reviews.


I sent my HD560S in to Sennheiser, I hope they will fix the imbalance: if it’s ok I will consider getting the DT880 again, but from memory the Sennheiser plays in a higher class. It’s also usable without any EQ while the Beyerdynamic was unusable to me. With a bit of EQ the Sennheiser is one of the best I have heard.


Hi, Oluv, many years ago I had a pair of Sennheiser G4ME ONE and I liked the way they sounded but hated the lack of bass. I also didn't like the mic. Now I'm using a pair of AKG k361 and I saw the hype for the 560S. I'm looking for a pair of headphones between $200-$300 that would sound good enough - soundstage, bass. In a post you wrote that the HD 660s are not worth the price. What are your thoughts? Thanks


@Ciprian Tepes They are on Amazon UK for £169, I am seriously thinking of pulling the trigger on them,after hearing the after midnight listening session.I don't recall seeing a post saying they are not worth the money.


I was watching this dude https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjhCn3IPyEQ to get a better understanding


I cant watch that guy,he freaks me out.


Great review! Please check the Ollo Audio SX4, they swear they are the flattest and honest on the market. Your opinion would be great...


It’s enough to have a look at Sonarworks’ measurement: https://www.sonarworks.com/blog/reviews/ollo-s4-studio-headphone-review/#build


Neutral, dynamic, open, clear (o_o)phones with deep bass extension, no large peaks or dips, good stereo imaging, (at least) decent soundstage, replaceable cable and cups (and headband too, please)........ is my holy grail. I believe it can exist, but so many companies don't even try to make a model like that. Sennheiser and Focal are one of the few who seem to be at least TRYING. For a short time it seemed like 560 would be it, and yet most recordings (yours is one of the few) made me cautious. Hearing this and seeing your measurements sank my heart. Guess 58X it is, even though I know full well it is more muddy. At least it is more neutral. And definitely more clear than the model I have had for years (HD 558). Your midnight session saved me future 200 dollars.


Got them recently after watching your and others review and you are right about that 5kHz peak. I lowered it for 2 db and sound much better that way. Can be a bit brighter depending on the music mastering but great details in the highs. Looking forward to hear your review on Sundara's 2020.


Great video Oluv, thank you. Very helpful to me as I’m currently making exactly this purchasing decision, between 560s new or 600 used. I’m happy to eq. When Covid rules allow I’ll be able to listen to the 560s and a new 600 in a local dealer. They also have the Hifiman sundara. Interested to see you are not too keen on the 2020 revision, even with eq. Looking forward to your full sundara review.


The only one which sounds really balanced is the HD600, it works fine without EQ, for me still one of the most neutral sounding headphones, just don’t expect any lower bass rumble. Both HD560S and Sundara 2020 are unusable to me without EQ, they are both too harsh. I am not sure though which one I would prefer equalized, I am just fine with the HE4XX with EQ, don’t see any need for something more expensive I still need to equalize.


Thanks Oluv, that’s interesting. Currently the he4xx is at $180 on drop, not sure what that would be by the time it was delivered in the UK. Imagine it would be similar to the hd560s (£169 here, so about $230). And with the 560s there’s a 2 year warranty and having a face to face dealer (or at least mask to mask...). So leaning towards 560s. Having said that, I’ll be playing it on an iPhone and iPad (mostly Spotify) so no way (I think?) to do global eq. That does make me think about the hd600 used. I’ll see what they sound like when I can get to the dealer. Interesting you say you’re not sure which you prefer out of 560s and sundara 2020 with eq. I had thought you preferred the 560s. Sundara is quite a bit more, so would obviously need to justify the extra cost. Thanks again.


By the way, I have a minirig 1.1 setup I really like bought after watching your videos. In particular they have a really good tone for a small portable speaker.


Hallo Oluv, ich finde den Vergleich zum HD600 ähnlich wie zum HD58x. Beide hören sich im direkten Vergleich zu dem neuen Senni etwas "muddy" an, beide sind aber neutraler, finde ich.


Ich bin gerade dabei meine Aufnahmen für die neuen Mikrofone zu optimieren, da ich nicht mehr per Ohr entzerre dürften die Resultate viel näher an der Realität werden: die ersten Tests sind sehr vielversprechend. Auch mir ist aufgefallen dass der HD600 viel zu muffig rüberkam.


Ah gut, ich bin gespannt :-)