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I have shot some videos these days but didn't have time to add all labels yet, which speaker is playing now etc. Usually this takes lots of time as I have to manually seek for all switching-points and then copy/paste the labels to the correct positions. With videos appraoching 1h, I need to invest maybe twice the time to have all labels added correctly.

Therefore I wanted to ask how many of you actually need these labels, or if you can live without them too as this would speed up my workflow quite a bit. I have the impression as if my binaural recordings could reproduce the actual localisation sound sources quite well, therefore I can immediately recognize which speaker is playing and which one is more to the left or right. 

I just want to know how many actually need these labels by all means, or if I could leave some of my longer videos simply without as I often state anyhow which speaker is currently playing.



To be specific sometimes can be helpfull, if a comparison is similar or speaker changes by time on a frequency range that's not consistent, but appart from that i'm okay without as i kind of gradualy train my ears to judge sound at same time. A sugestion w'd be to tell to viewers once or twice wich one is playing.


If you are saying now and then which speaker is playing, it should be sufficient...


I do like having the labels, as sometimes I kind of drift off listening or get distracted by something else/and lose my place, and it helps to glance at the video to see which is currently playing at the moment.


I thought it was a joke, as if was any speaker standing in front of me at all (kinda saying boys my binaural aproach is that good) . Or far worse, patronize you while hearing through tablet speakers!!! If its not a joke i must admit sometimes i listen through the tevi and they are less accurate than my by770pro; and sometimes i just loose the point and get confused


This is exactly what I want to know. I have no idea how you perceive my recordings. I for my part (as I worked on them and compared my recordings to the real sound) I think I am pretty close but still not 100% Sometimes when listening over the Etymotic I even manage to fool myself thinking I am listening to the real thing although the frequency response is maybe not 100% correct, they reproduce the imaging extremely realistically.


I see, In terms of spaciousness, imaging, “3Dness”, your son scared me twice appearing from behind. That thing sir you have nailed it. And sound wise, unless your minirig 3 differs critically to mine, maybe i would say some bass is missing. But i always listen through headphones, so who nows. Ah, and i bought prior to the minirig the tribit micro with the coupon and found it was bery directional and mellowy, someting i didnt notice in your review. Overall, bery directional more than mellowy. Just my point.


Ha! There have been more than a few times when listening to these sound demos while driving that I heard something and it made me turn my head to see what was making that sound, only for me to feel foolish afterwards realizing it was in the recording and not in or around my car lol. Sometimes a bug will pass by or an airplane will pass overhead in the recording and I instinctively look around for it. I love the binaural experience!


My suggestion is don't talk whilst the music is on loud. That way you can tell us what volume and speaker. I would save time and not bother with labels as long as you pause clearly say what you're doing or showing 👍


Just an idea, what about controlling some LED lights in the video? One light by each speaker. Turn one on, turn others off, doesn't have to a bright light or a big light and you could do it right from your phone potentially while playing music. I wonder if you could use ITTT to switch lights automatically when switching the sound source so you don't even have to manually track anything.


Maybe labels for the first few switches, till we get an idea of the voicing of each speaker. Some people may also wear their headphones backwards throwing off the left right aspect.


I really like the labels, but I thought there will be even enough while you are shooting the video just to say something when you're switching the speakers or headphones.


The Patreon site didn't let my edit my message above (I pressed enter by mistake, and so my message was sent in an unfinished state). Anyway, I too like the labels, but maybe try a video without them and see what people think?


Du sagst ja eh immer welcher dass grad spielt. Lass es wenns zu viel zeit kost!


Possibly been said before but maybe just point with your finger to which speaker is playing. Or get your son to do it!!! That would be cool. He could have a cardboard arrow?


Crazy idea: What about building a pad with two separated led-stripes lit sections, which you would be able to toggle on with a remote switch from your viewing place? It shouldn’t be too hard to do it and maybe it’s worth the saved effort for additional video editing being not necessary. I can imagine it would look kinda cool too 😉


Hast du eigentlich schon etwas von Vifa gehört ?


I could not respond to the poll as neither option is correct for me. In lieu of labels, can you put in the description the times for the speakers, volume levels and music type? I don't need the lables in the video, but would like to reference them.


Hello, can i ask , will be a review about the new Sony XB bt speakers? Especially the xb43? Thanks! :)


I am not sure yet, it's hardly better than the JBL Xtreme 2 from what I could hear while you can already get the Rave Neo for less than half the price.