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I need to know how many of you are more interested into portable speakers and stuff in contrast to those who are more interested in headphones or IEMs as I need to split those videos to satisfy all of you equally.  

I haven't reviewed IEMs for a while as I am still in the process of setting up my couplers that should finally allow me to offer valid measurements that conform to the IEC-711 standard and also realistic sound samples. This is not that easy and it will take me some time to really get the results I am proud of. 

Right now I am also waiting for a pair of XLR-adapters for my audio interface to arrive in order to make valid headphone measurements. I think my current headphone recordings are as good as I can get them with my limited resources, but I still need some time to get the measurements right. 

Nevertheless I will try to review some headphones soon as I also got the new Marshall Monitor II ANC that could interest some of you.



I would like to know your opinion on more Wifi speakers, if you can. Speakers like ikea symfonisk, bose home portable (i know you did an umboxing) sonos one, even the homepod, maybe....Just to test them, from the sound perspective. Thanks!


Interested in speaker, comparisons and blind listening Contests


Ok good to know, although so far my experience with Wifi speakers especially portable ones was rather poor, when taking them to another room or out into the garden, Wifi connection was lost pretty quickly or I got interruptions or the music was shown as being streamed normally but the speaker remained still mute. I will try to get hold of some Wifi speakers, the Ikea lamp sounded pretty decent from what I could hear inside the store, also the Audio Pro A10 interests me and maybe Sonos could provide their Move speaker. The Bose Home speaker was disappointing from a sound perspective, very edgy sound with weird bass and treble.


I would like to see a minirig mini (old vs new) or minirig mini 2 vs minririg 3 comparision.


About the bose home portable speaker, i have it, and I think if you install the app, you can tune the bass and the treble to make it sound decent. For outdoor usage I think is ok, for indoor I still prefer the marshall stockwell 2 :)


that is already on my schedule for over half a year, I will try to cover them as soon as possible, also depending on how well accepted my upcoming videos in my new listening enviroment will be


I'm interested in etymotics er2xr vs er3,4 review. After that anything will do. Your videos calm me down after a day of work. Ty!


Yes, you are right about the big price, I bought it from amazon Germany with 240€, still a big price, but not 350€. It should be 199 maximum. Love your reviews! Keep up the good job!


I would like to know your top tracks you like to listen too. Tracks of the day... Moonrise by Zimmer and Loves taken over (quiet storm version) by Chante Moore. 👍 I love garage deep house chillout 80s grooves 80s synth pop, love 70s 80s BBC Radio 1 top 40 shows too. Only music I not into is heavy rock. One of my fave vinyls I have is soundtrack to America Graffiti and Solar Records boxset of 8 vinyls of 12 mixes of the likes of whispers, Shalamar, midnight Star etc. 🎶


you mean my top tracks in general? I am listening to so much stuff starting from 70s fusion up to modern Chillhop that it's hard to pick favorites. I am also listening to stuff now I wouldn't have listened before and everything depends on my mood.


I chose speakers, but also i'd like to find a true sucessor of the lipertek tevi earbuds for workout and work maybe, my biggest concern about it would be the best tips without having to purchase the earfun earbuds. As for headphones there are many bluetooth ones and some ANC ones like the tribit that already released 2 or 3 idk xp and this new marshall m2 ANC, when u showed these jbl one i was kinda interested to see what limits it could reach, by default not that great but if its possible to make it sound good with eq i would then like to see a review, also for cheper(150€ or 200€ max) wired headphones if theres some new gem u would like to show us i am up for it too(but yeah my experience with headphones is the poorest so i leave that topic to the others).


If possible, some more of the "After Midnight" listening sessions. A relaxing and calm way to review/sound sample headphones. Anyway, sure whatever you decide will be great, Oluv.


Hallo Oluv, ich suche immer noch nach einem BT-Speaker der in der Lage ist, verzerrte E-Gitarren „smooth“ wiederzugeben. Die Präsenz, die eine Gitarre schnell etwas unangenehm kreischen lässt liegt i.d.R. zwischen 2 und 4khz, und genau da klingen die Speaker fast alle zu harsch. Der Stockwell 2 macht das bisher am besten, leider hat er aber den bekannten Effekt, dass der Gesang dann gerne mal in den Hintergrund gerät und es sich anhört, als wäre der Sänger in einem Nebenraum (also zu weit weg, eben dieser Halleffekt). Das ist auch genau das Frequenzband welches im EQ des Motion+ nicht zum Regeln vorhanden ist. Ich höre ja wirklich alle Art von Musik und finde, dass Elektronische Musik von einigen Speakern gut wiedergegeben wird. Die Unterschiede liegen dann eher in sauberem Bass und gut auflösenden Höhen und natürlich auch darin, wie sich ein Speaker bei leisem und lautem Hören verhält (Leise fehlt der Bass oft genauso wie bei hohen Lautstärken). Mir scheint es die Königsdisziplin zu sein, auch Rockmusik angenehm und ausgewogen zu performen. Wenn Du da mal einen Speaker ausfindig machen könntest, würde mich das echt glücklich machen. Hier sind mal ein paar Songs die m.M. Nach auf ner guten Anlage und guten Kopfhörern sehr gut klingen: Rush - Tom Sawyer, Yes - Big Generator, Alterbridge - Rise Today, Simple Minds - The River, Papa Roach - Help. Ein sehr interessanter Song zum testen ist auch „Ludens“ von „Bring me the Horizon „, der ist ne gute Mischung aus Elektro und Rock und es werden alle Frequenzen und sehr viel Dynamik gebraucht. Z.B. sind da so ab 0:36 Bässe drin, die nicht jeder Speaker wiedergibt. Ich hatte schon ne Menge Speaker und aus den ganzen Empfehlungen fehlt mit bisher nur Minirig, Helsinki und MaxSound Plus. Schonmal Danke, falls Du hierzu was machen kannst und weiter viel Erfolg, ich denke das lässt sich hier bei Patreon bisher ja echt gut an.


I would like to know your views on popular Chi-Fis. For example i recently bought the Thieaudio Legacy 3 and find the quite good.


I am also interested in speakers first(portable ones). Some soundbars and 2.0/2.1 system would be also intresting, like you reviewed some in the past. True wireless in-ears would also be interesting to some point to me. For now i think you are doing great with reviewing portable speakers most and comparing them. Some special gadgets/technology review once in a year or twice could be nice - like a special on the channel. For example testing Virtual Reality headsets, since the surround sound of VR headset and inbuild speakers are pretty bad sometimes i guess and there is lots of potential to tune the VR sound and inbuilt headset speakers. However, it is just one gadget/trchnology example which relates to sounddesign. And i know those kind of things can be expensive to get so if possible just once a year. Overall I think you are doing great like now


Please review the Huawei X Devialet - XSound, I think that is the cheapest devialet on market.


hast schon mal einen AudioPro probiert, die haben so bei 5khz eher eine Senke, finde dass da alle recht angenehm klingen


It’s funny. I’ve talked to anyone who’d listen about how your channel is my favorite on Youtube, because you open a world to me. I can’t easily go down to the local store, because I’m blind and transportation isn’t always trivial where I live. As a result, I’ve recommended people speakers thanks to your videos, and love getting speaker reviews...And yet, the speakers I own for myself (Sonos Play:1s and a Sonos Move), you haven’t covered. I want you to try the Move one day, but I have a funny feeling you won’t like it.


Glad to support you here Oluv. I'd honestly be glad to understand: Why haven't you reviewed and compared all the popular closed back studio headphones out there? For example, Ik you really don't like the Senn HD300 Pro from a comment in the past, but for many years most producers find themselves considering these closed back options REPEATEDLY - AT M50X / Senn HD280/300/380 Pro / Beyer DT770 etc... and it's ALWAYS being compared. Knowing you for several years - I wouldn't dare to recommend you follow "hype" as your reasoning, but since there's a clear advantage to the DT770 imo, it could lead to a wonderful video by you, that would not only interest many new viewers, but also would highlight what you do best with helping people making the right purchase decisions. I've personally own all of them, but the value of your reviews is unmatched. *Side note - thoughts on the Blon-BL03 and the QKZ VK4? Best of luck to you and thanks for your dedication.


Soundbars would be nice edition. That's something that the average person buys which is something people ask me about. Your Bluetooth videos have been helpful for me cause a lot of people ask me about Bluetooth speakers. Only requests I get really for headphones is if they are noise canceling but cost less than $150 or they are true wireless earbuds that are under $100. Everybody wants bang for their buck instead of what's the best of the best. I don't know if that helps you or not. But that is what would help me.


I agree with Eduardo there's a lot of good affordable chi-fi IEMs that offer great value for the money. They also don't cost much to purchase for reviewing. I recommend the Moondrop Starfield but I know there's a number of other great IEMs for under $200 (such as the Legacy 3) that I think could be fun to talk about.


+1 from me for headphones. Would like to see review and comparison of some Audio-Technica headphones, especially MSR7b which are not perfect in a way but I really love them.


I orginally found my way to you through speakers, and that's still the most interesting stuff for me personally. However, I also got myself some Etymotic ER2SE because of your recommendation, and I really love them. But I like headphone reviews too, I might buy another one alongside my AKG K712 Pros if something good shows up. Guess I like everything really ^^ Also loved the bigger speaker reviews like the Audio Pro A36.


For me, SPEAKERS ! When I discovered the Bose Soundlink Mini in 2013, I felt in love and then started a love story between me and those portable BT speakers haha. Soundbars would be also very very interesting because they are also bluetooth speakers...so why not ?


I have had the Play:1 for some years now and like it since then. I would like to try the Move once but didn't have the opportunity yet. Thanks for your kind words. I would love to know more details about how you perceive my sound recordings, because as a blind you must have a much stronger sense for audio. I am not fully satisfied with them and simply would like to know if you hear something "werid" with them, or if they can represent some kind of reality to you as this was my actual goal when I started all this. Maybe you can send me a message so that we could communicate more in case you would like to share your impressions with me. Thanks, O.


Speakers mostly but headphones would be interesting


Speakers mostly... I would also be interested in some reviews of TWS BT headphones. Not just sound quality, but also mic quality. I think microphones in general are interesting too.


Reading these comments I wonder... Is anyone here NOT the go-to speaker adviser for all their friends and family? Oluv, I think this is how your hard work in this niche helps the masses: You inform those of us who care enough about sound to listen, and we pass that on to everyone else who just wants to know what speaker to buy in 10 words or less. I like your videos about popular products because they really help me help others, especially knowing what not to buy. Don’t get me wrong I love your videos about good and unfamiliar products too except they tend to cost me money. The one type of video I think we can live without is one featuring a 5-star fake reviewed product we’ve never heard of that we’ll wish we’d still never heard of after watching. Unless you’re going to take a hammer to it, that‘s always worth watching.


It would be nice to see a comparison of sonos move vs bose home portable speaker.


Also audio pro a26 speakers. You did a review on the larger speakers a36 witch I think are great instead of a soundbar, but i am very curious how the a26 are sounding.


Shocking result for me as I am not interested in BT speakers at all, and only limited in speakers. I live in the city in an apartment and I dont want to be annoyed by others, and I dont want to annoy anyone else :D So I guess the best I can hope for is 25% headphone content :)


Get the Tribit MaxSound Plus below 50€. It's a very decent and honest sounding speaker.


Unfortunately in Australia we don't have any real Budget options :/ Soundcore motion plus is around $170 and tribit is barely ever in stock. I was considering the Sony XB43, I've tried in store and actually sounds better compared to the XB40 but the price is $400Aud here 😅. I've seen LG come out with the PL range and was curious about them. Given the odd choice of the passive radiators positioning. I want to update my speaker from my current XB40. I've had all JBL speakers at one point and ended up returning them as the sound isn't that great. Can you recommend anything to me? :) I've followed your Chanel for years now and love your content. Australia doesn't have a lot of smaller brands here so it's hard choosing.


The new LGs should be pretty bad. The Fender Newport can be found for 89€ here in Europe, it’s a very decent sounding speaker..


Ein best speaker - summer 2020 Video bzw. dein persönlicher Favorit zwischen eventuell Vifa Helsinki, Minirig und Anker sm+ fände ich super🙂


I would love to see some top 5 videos. So for example, top 5 budget Bluetooth speakers or a top 5 underrated IEMs