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Hey guys,

I'm just putting this out for those who didn't like the state of the current project. please do not hate or resent them. they have their own taste just as any of us here.  I just want to make sure that everyone here at the very least receives the value of what they paid for.

( TLDR: I will issue you a refund if your dissatisfied with the current project. read the last paragraph to learn how )

To everyone who is urging me to "stretch" the early phase of the story,
I'm sorry but I won't be making any changes to the pace of the current story

On my own book, I am happy and content with the current pace, I think it's sufficient and reasonable enough to move the story forward no matter how "unrealistic" or "quick" it may seem to be for some of you, another rational reason for this is, doing a stretch or rewrite, will push every single asset in the production queue in an open ended state ( a.k.a development hell ).

If you did enjoy Adelaide Inn and want to compare it's quality to the current project, that's okay I understand, but behind the curtain on the production of that project, it pushed me to a state of great mental stress and health issue.

I am honestly not asking for pity here or anything, I love doing every inch of this work and you are entitled to your own opinions about it. However, I'm just putting out the REALITY behind every project being made, keep in mind a reasonable percentage of the work is just done by a one man trash. a slight change on the scenes or any branch of the story would and might affect any existing illustrations and animations that I'm currently working on ( not even including the backgrounds and additional CGs needed if such change occured ). ( Imagine sculpting a big-ass statue then someone suddenly told you to change structure of the feet cause it too small or looks like potato toes )

If your first thought on this is:

"Why not just make comics instead you stupid dumbass trash?"

Now, you may not be here when I answered this question before, but once again.
I still struggle to create such medium, the comics I produce are toilet-wipe trash that I scrapped a lot of it compared to the amount of things I scrap when producing Interactive projects. I am more than happy to just create stuff and shit rather than to die trying to convince every single one of you.

Now with this shitty "drama" out of the way...

I will gladly REFUND you your pledge if your dissatisfied with the current state of the project and deem it to be unfappable/unjerkable or simply trash. just drop me a "refund" text over patreon or fanbox private message and I will issue it to you without any questions asked. also again I won't be making any change on the current pace.

Thank you and stay well





Ayo dont listen to the haters my dude ur shit gucci


The king has spoken.


I will support you no matter what anyone says to you.


Don’t be too hard on yourself man, I actually enjoy your comics.


Bro your stuff is awsome f the haters man keep up the progress


You keep doing you, just know only the haters usually r the loudest, most of us r quietly enjoying the game!


What kind of stupid people told you to hurry up?


Keep doing what your doing man you can't make everyone happy.


F the people complaining. The quality is well worth for what I'm paying and you deserve it. I'd say just block those idiots that have a problem with you and keep doing what you are doing :)


keep going, your work is very good


I'm very happy with the game and am glad to have pledged


cheer up! i respect you


No need for a refund here NTRMan, played it all the way through last night and it was great. Only thing I would request is more frequent anal and/or pregnant scenes in the future! Plenty of degeneracy to be had in this story, excited to see where it goes.


I think this was your best work yet!


Absolutely enjoy your content haters Gona hate anyways wr win anyways

en -V

People really say that? What the hell?


Just keep doing what you want


Sir, your work worth every penny... trust me. Keep a good work.


Hey I don't know what the context of where this is coming from, but I am fully happy with this material and the pace this is come out at. Just letting you know that you are very much appreciated and I will be remaining as a pledger. By the way just ban those people if they are heckling you.


I know some of people liked it, I'm just putting this out for those who don't. Also please don't hate on them. they have their own taste just as any of us here. I don't hate them or resent them. I'm just making sure that they receive the value of what they paid for.


I always enjoy what you make because I know working on this project must be difficult

pikora kusada

Wow i didn’t know people were mad I read mostly good things and I for one am loving it. Like you said you can’t please everyone especially with this kind of topic . Keep it up am looking forward for the rest of the spicy story


I think your works are wonderful the way you intended it to be. Sure the story seemed a little fast paced, but that's completely fine because it's your projects not ours. PLEASE STOP CALLING YOURSELF TRASH. Your works are amazing.


Not too fussed over 3 dollars bruh


I honestly really enjoyed the pace of this one! and the action was awesome!


It's always sad to see some people don't appreciate the hard work you put into everything you do, hell I'd even pay to see those comics you call trash. Your health is first and foremost man, we want you to stay for the long run!


Personally i love your work


I'm only commenting because I understand sometimes it feels like the bad comments are louder than the good ones, and some people don't comment at all. Initially, I also felt the pace of the NTR happened very quickly- UNTIL I played the mom's POV. It became clear that the seeds for NTR were already planted well before Kujo even came into her life. Her husband had passed, her son was growing up, and she wasn't necessarily fulfilled in her work. She was living her life for everyone else but herself. Then when you factor in the type of person she is, and the type of person Kujo was (seemingly) it made more than enough sense to me that it would be a landslide of an affair. I'm not saying the writing was perfect, but I very much enjoyed it and I found it worth the wait and money. I'm not saying I feel that other people are wrong, but I am saying I don't agree with them. I felt the pace made sense, and I found it thrilling. It's impossible to not compare a creators work to the rest of his work, but I feel we should look at each creation as it's own thing first. That's just my opinion. I don't feel the production needs to be extended or rewritten. I also don't see value in doing so when there's still 3 more chapters and this is one part in a much larger story. My final point is I -also- like the comics you've made. That was my first introduction to your work. I understand being a creator can be frustrating and it's hard to see the value in your own work when it takes so much to make it. Try not to be so hard on yourself. I think it'd admirable of you for being willing to refund people, but I won't be asking for one. Keep up the good work. 👍


I really enjoy your work. This first episode I personally don't enjoy bully ntr, but I'm still gonna support you. Even if this whole series is bully ntr.


I for one did enjoy your current work and I appreciate so much the time and effort you put into this. I'm happy to be supporting and I'll hope to see more from you (don't push yourself and fret over some bad eggs). KEEP IT UP NTRman ❤!


support you pleas continue!


I can see why people enjoy Adelaide Inn since it leads to different routes with different endings. And maybe those same people thought it was going to be something similar to that since you announce it was going to divided into 4 separate episodes, each with it's own batch of scenes and chapters. Which they thought Seasons of Loss was going to contain all 4.

Ahri Pendragon

Yo don’t refund me cuz I love the work you’ve done so far and I’m talking about the comics and the games! The things I’ve read so far based on the comments here are very nice and understandable we all care about ur stuff and ur health. The thing that concerns me the most is the stress u get. The last thing I want to mention is keep up the great work


Keep up your good work, jut ignore those who talking trash. I really appreciate your works and waiting for the next update


It was a notice that felt quite stressful. You need to manage your stress and health well because you are satisfied with your work speed and quality. I'm always rooting for you.


And I can't imagine all the work for all the routes with different animations with their own CG along with the voice actors and money being spent in project like that. Not to mention the amount of work you have to deal with.


Love every content you make! Looking forward for future projects, more power and ntr sanity to you 🤣


I enjoy your content and hope you continue doing what you're doing. Thanks for the hard work, graciousness, and patience.


I’m glad you addressed the matter, and I understand the critical issue of development hell. I was one of the people that was concerned with the story, and I don’t want a refund, I’m still happy with the product and am eager for more. I’m not here demanding content, I think the amount of content you are giving is perfectly fine for what I pay for. I honestly hoped for some story changes but as you said that isn’t possible and I think the case you made was justified. I hope you understand that for many people that did point out their concerns and gave a constructive critique isn’t them hating it but wanting to help improve it because they care. When it comes to critiques I’m not telling you what to do but merely making suggestions, you don’t have to do anything about it, but all I care is that you are aware of it and consider it in the future then that’s fine by me. I do game design and art work myself and I understand the maddening stress and pain pouring your soul into something can be. I hope this doesn’t rub off the wrong way, and please keep up hard work.

Arthur Storm

I really enjoyed it thought it was fantastic everything was on point artwork was amazing and loved the way them two was speaking to each other as well was really happy you brought back the dual path like mother lesson and im really looking forward to see what's to come I know that you have put alot of effort and time into everything you make you can see it in all the projects keep your head up bossman can't wait for the next chapter and future games to come please rest and take care of yourself I for one will keep on supporting you and I'm sure so many other people will do the same :)


Are they really paying for it? If someone is willing to pay you, he's not a disgruntled person. In my opinion, that person is probably enjoying your work without paying any money. So it's rude to say something like that. Don't worry. There are far more people waiting for your work than those who treat your work as trash. You just have to do what you've been doing. Pls Don't worry about it. p.s. As a subscriber, I just want to say one word. I think it's a little strange that mother's posture remains fixed and does not change in this work. In the next version, I hope she makes a more natural pose. thanks.


I love your great work, keep it up!


The game is fine the way it is. Im excited to see what more you add to it.

Tom white

There can be a gap between ntrman and others about the tastes. but don't forget that there are many people who like your works and support your decision!


No matter how amazing your game is, there is always going to be someone that didn't like something. Don't let the vocal few let you down. That said, I loved this episode and am looking with great excitement towards the next part! Thank you for your hard work!!


I really enjoyed this episode and am excitedly waiting for the next episode but what's I really want to see is the final episode and the story as a whole that has me really ecstatic just thinking about the possibilities. I hope you are taking care of yourself NTRMAN you are one of my favorite content creators and even if you stopped creating today you would be a legend in my book.


Dude fuck those people. We love you content, doesn't matter what you make we love your short comics and your games too. So stay strong and do what you're good at. Those who don't like your way of work they can just fuck off. 😌


it's okay, I totally understand what you meant, I just made this post since I receive some private messages regarding their honest thoughts about it and was thinking that there might be more people around who felt the same way and was just shy about sharing their honest feedbacks forward. hence, I made it a bit easier for them to voice it in the most simple way.


It's very nice that NTRMAN responded to the reaction of the players. I really like his games, they have their own atmosphere, they feel that the developers put their soul into the game and I really appreciate it. Yes, the first patch (in my opinion) came out rather strange with such a rapid development of the plot, but as a writer, I do not see a huge problem in "fixing" this defect. You have at least two whole patches planned. You can easily change the existing beginning to the way you need (this is if you wish). For me, the NTR genre is primarily a game with emotions. Yes, I know that it is very difficult to describe in detail what is happening, but still it is required to give that very "atmosphere". Considering your previous experience, you can also make the current mother patch as an alternate ending (when the MC finds out about the mother) and add a second choice continuation in other patches (as it was in "camp"). As I wrote in my previous post, timing is to blame. It is almost impossible to write a good, consistent story in two months, especially in such a volume. There is always a way out and from any situation you can find it. I'm not a hater, I really like what you do and as your fan I want to help you with whatever I can. That "tipping point" in the game came when the MC told his mother about what was happening. After this dialogue, the whole plot began to come to an end with lightning speed, almost without making it clear what was happening. Yes, there were also illogical moments, mostly in the phrases of the mother, but in general, it is suitable for an alternative ending. Of course, I'm not going to beg for money back. I appreciate your work and I know how difficult game production is. I wish you success and good health. Don't overdo it, you always have us.


It's understandable. You're not always going to please everybody 100%. And not every big project should or be compared to ADR. It's good that they like it but understand that the new projects demand more work and it’s just you behind them. It's also great that you value the options of everyone and even offer refunds, which not many do. I've enjoyed the content so far and each project has been unique in its own way so there’s a variety that you have. You might not like the comics you’ve made but those were the ones that I found out about you and decided then to support you. Keep doing what you're doing, take the rest that you need, know that your community cares for your health as well. So take care and don't overwork yourself, you big beautiful trash can!


I liked it as well , so carry on as you were and don't give the haters a second thought or even a first for that matter


You are doing an amazing job and honestly I get why people didn't like it, but to the majority of us, it was an amazing piece of work, and that is the truth. Sure it felt rushed but it still had lots of charm, wonderful music, amazing characters, and a great plot that did not drag. You are an absolute king for giving out a refund even though you literally have no reason to. I will never consider my support a mistake and I will keep on supporting you for as long as I can! Please take care of yourself and take as long as you need to before you get to work on Winter. We can all wait a long time before seeing what happens to Tsugami.


i love my money, but i love ntrman more


I am completely grateful for your work, I hope I can support you much longer, take care of you and rest.


I love all of your project and the current one its perfect the way it is great work NTRMAN your doing a great job, continue your compassion project I cant wait for the update to show up.


Well done. I enjoy your work and will continue to support.


I know the next projects are already somewhat planned, but I would also enjoy something along the line of The Queen Who Adopted a Goblin or The Goddess. Keep up the good work!


I am just glad you are finally having an angry mother in NTR! Though I do think the story did progress a little fast, that is not my say as to how you want your story to go.

Brock Lwee

I like the project and I hope you yourself as the creater like it too


As always, what you do is admirable, the respect you have for your community is incredible, probably more than we deserve. I really disagree only on one thing: defining you or some of your works as "trash", you are not and I hope you can notice it thanks to the users who support you and admire you for what you do.


Personally I got my money's worth, I know there is more to come in the future and of course like the Mom Camp one there can always be an extension or something if somehow in the future I want more than what the current games have. I loved part 1 for Seasons of Loss!


Sorry for any hate you received for the game. Personally I really enjoyed it and thought it was a great start to your story! Look forward to you all of your work!


I liked how the story began and I understand that it is difficult to work alone and considering the quality of the project, it is fine for me since it is very easy to criticize and never understand the great work that is behind it. I encourage that whoever likes your work will follow you without any complaint


I definitely think its a vocal minority. Your art and animation has improved so much since even a year ago that it really has me interested in your work from here on out. Also its easy to forget that this project isn't even completely finished yet. Keep up the great work King.


Just here to show my love & support. Keep up the great work NTRMAN! Take breaks when you need to. Your health is more important than your work at least in my eyes. Take care. Cheers!


I just want to state that my comment wasn't meant negatively, it was just me voicing my opinion about the latest release, which every paying customer has a right to do. I love your work and won't be asking for a refund. Keep doing what you are doing.


the release was good but this is the reason i support you. never afraid to refund or pause the billing, you have the best business ethic/morals in the H/ero game industry by far


I loved the latest release and all of your works for that matter. Both comics and interactive/games. Keep up the good work!


Who would say they are not satisfied? I loved the latest release. Thank you for all your hard work.


I love all your works, the only bad thing I see is that they are not translated into Spanish.


keep up the good work


the latest release was great


Whaaa? Someone didn’t like the game?! Who’s making better games right now?


Don't listen to the haters


dont worry about the haters love your work


No les hagas caso, son criticas nada productivas que no aportan nada si al menos fuera una critica constructiva y referente al proyecto seria diferente pero no es así.


Sigue tu ritmo amigo todavía te seguiré apoyando creo que tu trabajo es atractivo.


Stick to yourself. We like the way you make this game mode . We will always support you!!!


IS GOOD! screw the people who don't like it I support your decision


I imagine there would be branches later on to select a different ending for mom, but all good man, support.


im cool with your choice so just do whatever u want to do


i Love it can`t wait for the friend one next


The people who said this latest project is trash have lost their mind. It’s one of the best projects yet. Do I wish it was longer? Of course but I always want the games to be longer lol.

Amir Yordi

Yeah i can’t wait for satoshi to suicide on next release 😍

Amir Yordi

I’m not into mother/son fetish. I’m not into drugs/mind control since i find it cheap as an excuse for corruption. I’m not into dark themed bully/abuse.

Amir Yordi

This game is just not my thing, i will probably still play the next chapter yet with a grain of salt since i’m not into “childhood friend” themed ntr either. You have made some really good stuff in the past and I will keep supporting you and I’m eager to see your future works. This one is just not my thing.


Personally, I didn't like the mom's story, but that doesn't stop me from wanting to see how the friend's story unfolds. I look forward to seeing how it all ends. Cheers and thanks for your work.


its good! I hope its not as short as people say but that's because I love your works.


I enjoyed this one, just like the rest of your work. I think it's great, excited for the next parts.


I love and enjoy your work, it's really great.


Come on!buddy,just finish your work in the way you like,I really enjoy every works that you provide to us,and I am looking forward the better works you will provide us in the future.


I love your work..just give pink nipple for mom character at your after artwork...I beg you..


honestly, you should give a shit what the few who do not value your work think because they only criticize, I do not require a refund because I appreciate and value the effort behind each project, continue with your great work, I will look forward to the version 0.7 of the childhood friend and the old teacher, I hope to see it soon....


Not in the mother/son/whatever stuff, BUT liked the content [of SOF], your style and fundamentally the corruption! Well, keep up the good work!


Whoever calls your stuff trash is crazy. Hell I can probably count on one hand how many people release the amount of content you do with your level of animation and detail, plus you actually complete your stuff. I'll admit I wish that you would make a game that's slower more focused on corruption like mother lesson but that's just preference. I just prefer slow corruption stories. I've been a huge fan for a while now and will continue to do so while giving as much support as I can.


listen to ur supporters ,not ur haters.勇敢做自己

天培 梅

Its their fault who dont unsubsribe and critisize your work, this is a totally free choice. They should have been aware of what was to come and been responsible for what they chose. I cant say I love your every project, but your artstyle and NTR theme really attract me. I will support you forever.