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Hey everyone

Just a short notice of things you may want to know:

  • No content yet for August. ( You know what to do if you don't want to get billed )

  • SOL has now resumed on production. The plan is to 1-time drop it with both Spring/Summer to conclude it once and for all. ( No specific date yet. )

  • New Short comics is on the works. ( No specific date yet. )

  • Once the Short comics and SOL has been both delivered, Season 3.5 will conclude 

  • Here's why, Project Drusilla will be returned back to the drawing board for now. long story short, I've been prototyping it from time to time and still can't find an ideal flow for it. so yes I need to re-plan some parts of it again. ( TLDR: story complete, flow rough. )

Then here's a few more things you may also want to know: 

  • AOTG's JP voice completion is estimated to be by the end of August and will continue to receive performance improvements and game progression patches. ( No extra content )

  • TOTD's EN voice is half way there. only the supporting character voices are pending

I suppose that's all for now,
( also, I'll be taking a 2-day quick break due to health reasons. )
Keep yourselves safe and well everyone

Thank you




May i ask how to join discord server?


Kele first scene seems bugged


Hello can you please give more details on this? I'd like to investigate on this.


Hey, sorry for asking stupid questions but do you have a Discord?

Lex Nova

hello sensei, im new here so i would like to know what is the Drusilla project?

Lex Nova

I have a question, im almost done with AOTG and love it so far, but why does Ahanu got no woman to give us? According to the story game, everyone who enters the trials needs some "wage" to trade, like Kele with Amara and the chief with his elder daughter, why Ahanu doesnt have that? I know its only for the skins left for Claire, but it will be great if u add an aunt or a Gilf for him. Thank u for reading this, love and pace sensei :3