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The Steam page for Netoria Tactics: Revolution is still in the revue queue. So no public update yet. It'll get through, it's just taking longer than I expected. It's pretty annoying to not be able to control the schedule, but there's not really anything I can do about it.

The planned release date for the Steam version is March 15th. Since it's basically done, the only thing that would stop that is if it takes another week for the store page to go up since there's a minimum of 14 days between store page going live and game being purchasable. 

I released the Female Carwyn update already for $5+ patrons last week. That feels a little light on Patreon content this month though. So I might do something I don't normally do and make an At the Mountains of Friendship preview build. This would help make the rewards this month less screwy. Sk8er is pretty much in the game and her scene art is getting close to done, even if the writing still has a ways to go. Since you can play her and get a feel of what she's about, I think a $10 preview build would be pretty safe. Let's take a look at some more of her art:

Oh no! Her clothes! How embarrassing! I ended up going with the "embarrassed nude female" genre of exhibitionism for her. It's not usually my thing, but it's fun to switch it up every now and then. And the artist got to draw cool skateboard poses, so they appreciated it. The art should be done in about a week, and then the only things left for 1.3 are finishing the scenes and making some new items. I think won't take that long.

I've been working on the design for Netoria Tactics 2 steadily. The story is pretty solidified but I'm still playing around with mechanics. The multiple POVs thing has really become the heart of the game. You'll get the same basic story no matter who you pick as the main character, but the gameplay will change as well as what special routes you can do.

Here's the work in progress designs for the cast. When will this game go from pre-production to full production? It'll take a while, since I need to finish up a lot of other stuff first. 

Like Naked Ambition. The biggest problem right now is that I haven't gotten any art delivered in two months. So... find a new artist? I really don't want to. The current one is the fourth artist for the game. But I need art so I might have to. The writing isn't going great, but I think I have a path forward. I'm going to try to bang out a skeleton and not focus on how good the writing is for the moment. I've been spending way to much time revising and rewriting and I think it's just really slowing me down. It doesn't matter how good the writing is if it never comes out.

That's all for this week. As always, thank you for your continued support.


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