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Yesterday I released the preview build for the Netoria epilogues for $10 patrons. That's mostly what I spent the last week working on. I think this next week I'd like to turn my focus on At the Mountains of Friendship. All the components of the 1.1 update are pretty much in place, I just have to finish them all up. There's still some sex scenes to write, some new features to finish, and some voice acting to get in.

In terms of art, the character artist and I have been focused on girl 13, BFF. We've pretty much finalized the design and part of the main art for her. I still haven't 100% decided exactly how her scenes will play out, but I have some ideas that I think will be fun. The plan is for her to have pairing sex scenes with Elizabeth and Maya.

This is the clothing progression for the character. Of course as the theme is feminization, there's a change in body as well. The change is full male to female, so at the start he'll have a dick, and at the end she'll have a pussy. Thematically, I kind of wanted to make this the opposite of Riley. Instead of a guy who's annoyed people mistake him for a girl, BFF is happy about the change and ends up more fulfilled (emphasis on the filled) as a woman. 

So she's well on her way for being ready for 1.2. Each update will have one new girl, with the ones that are reserved for higher tiers being bumped down a slot. So when BFF comes out in 1.2, She'll be available for $10 patrons, Sarah will become available for $5 patrons, and Lydia will become free.

All the art for the Netoria update is done now. Including some new character art featuring pregnant Gwen and Vivian.

I actually meant for the artist to just do a variation of the existing art with a big belly, but they made a whole new illustration. I'm sure you won't be complaining about that though. Right now these are used on the Hero epilogues, but they'll probably be in more endings in the future, like the golden route expansion content. I have  concrete plans for three expansions, after that it'll be dependent on how burnt out I am on working on the game.

So the plan for the rest of the month is pretty clear. Finish both the updates. I think the AtMoF update is definitely closer, so I'm going to try to get that all wrapped up.  I think the schedule I posted last week is still pretty much in play. I'm not sure if I can get AtMoF 1.1 done by the end of next week, but I'll try.

That's all for this week. As always, thank you for your continued support.



As always you do great work! Question though, I've heard of the Golden Route expansion; but I didn't know you had two others already planned. Are you allowed to tell us more about them or are they top secret for now? :D


The second one is going to be a futa Gwen expansion, which is a romantic route between Gwen and female Carwyn. And the third is femboy Carwyn.


Man, Gwen is looking good!