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The girl 13 polls are over and here are the results! Feminization won the fetish poll with almost 50% of the vote. Do people here like that one? What a surprise, never would have guessed. And for aesthetic, Tomboy barely beat out e-girl. But since the theme is feminization, I'm going to make an executive decision and say they both win!

Girl 13 will start off as a tomboy, and become an e-girl as the feminization happens. I'm picturing this character as sort of the opposite of Riley. Where Riley is a girly-looking guy who hates it, Girl 13 finds he likes it and embraces that side of himself, soon to be herself. Since they were both popular themes and this isn't a full character of either aesthetic, I'll put tomboy and e-girl back into the pool for future polls. 

Also, Girl 13 is pretty clumsy to refer to this character, so from now on I'm going to use the internal codename. This is what a girl is referred to in design documents, code comments, etc. This is usually based on the mechanics of the character. And for this new one that is... BFF! BFF mechanically is another buff receiver like Cynthia or Madison, a character who does well with multiple supports and has abilities that boost the buffs she receives. Her abilities are all based on friendship levels since that's a pretty underutilized mechanic right now.

If it sounds like I've already decided on a lot of stuff with the polls just ending, that's because they were pretty stagnant and I decided to give the artist and I a head start. So I actually already have sketches and stuff of BFF. Let's take a look:

These are all very early. I haven't even given feedback on the face or clothing or anything yet. We've mostly just nailed down the basic body shape and pose. This character is a bit special in that she becomes feminized which implies a bodily change. Most characters don't do that, having only one base body layer. But since for this character the changes are pretty central to the theme she's being done differently.

So by stage three, she becomes something like this. Pretty sure these clothes sketches are going to get ditched, doesn't really speak "e-girl" to me. She probably also needs some vibrant hair. Let me know what you think would be good!

Of course, this is all 1.3 stuff. 1.2 is coming along pretty well. Sarah's scenes are getting close to finalized, I put out the listing for her voice actor, and the rest of the changes and improvements are coming along. There's also Cynthia's bonus scene, which we actually already finished the art for.

On no, George is home! How will our favorite cheating housewife get out of this jam? These bonus scenes play out after the timeline of the main story. To unlock them, you need the character to be the leader for the entire game and have her survive. Only then will she escape her fate of becoming a mind-broken tentacle slave and instead have to deal with the aftermath of her story.

So that's AtMoF, what about Netoria Tactics? The good news is, the preview build is almost ready! I've only been working on the writing up until now, not the actual levels. So this build will just skip past them. But you'll get to see the story and sex scenes and such even if they'll be a little underwritten. I'm still waiting on art to be finished so unfortunately I don't have any of that to show today. I could post more sketches, but I've shown enough of those that I don't want to reveal all of them and spoil every surprise for the actual game.

The release schedule will be something like this:

  • 10/13 Netoria Tactics $10 preview
  • 10/20 AtMoF 1.2? Might be a Netoria Tactics test build
  • 10/27 Whatever didn't come out the previous week.
  • 11/3 Netoria Tactics epilogue update.

That does put the Netoria update in November not October, but I think it'll take that long. The epilogues are just kind of complicated and time-consuming. And then after that, it's kind of up to how fast individual AtMoF girls can be made. It takes about a month on the art side, I'm pretty sure the rest of the update cycle can keep up with that but I guess we'll see.

That's all for this week. As always, thank you for your continued support.



Still dope, still dope.


I was already wondering if there was a way to prevent the girls getting part of my, collection, of "cute things". XD I can only speak for myself, but I can wait for the November update. ;)