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I had hoped to get all the levels for Netoria done by today so I could put out the test build, but it's not quite ready yet. Actually, the very last level is still very unfinished. I'm thinking that it might be better to just do that as it's own separate mini update because there's so much stuff going on there to make it satisfying on every route. If I do that I can definitely get the update wrapped up soon, and seeing how it's been about two months since chapter 5, I might have to do that.

The two other levels are getting close to done though.  I had to completely rethink and redesign them when I changed the story a bit to not have the big war stuff, but I'm happy with what I came up with.

This level is the more unfinished of the two. It's gimmick is that it takes place in a mash, that's what the brown stuff is. You can stay on the paths, or go into the muck and cut between them, although you move a lot slower. It might be a good idea to take out the archers so they don't take potshots at you while you're doing that though.

Even though these are late game levels, I'm trying to keep them to one screen mostly. The big, epic battles I was experimenting with didn't feel very good. That's why this update is kind of late, I made several other levels that I scrapped before changing direction. The game has always felt better when it's more intimate and character driven.

On the At the Mountains of Friendship front, things are going pretty well. I'm ordering some pretty late stage things at this point, like logos and such. It's all coming together although it still needs more time in the oven. Work has also started on girl 12, who will be the $10 tier girl when the game launches. Her codename is Dogmageddon. 

This character's fetish is anal, so if you're an ass man she'll be right up your alley. Lots of butt shots and yoga pants for this one. Mechanically, she buffs dog lovers, hence the name and her little pal in the bag.

Because I didn't release the Netoria test build this week, here's my new plan. Put it out next week and then on Friday.... Futa Oasis .11! Yes, the update is actually here, I'm really sorry about it taking so long. As I've said before, this is the last public one, so although work on the game won't stop, it will be taken out of the public eye while I work on the final version behind the scenes. So after Friday the only games I will be talking about here on the Patreon are Netoria and ATMOF, at least until the epilogues for Netoria are done and ATMOF is out, then it's Naked Ambition time!

But these next couple of months I really need to focus a lot on ATMOF to make as good as I can before launch. It's getting pretty close, right now the main things are polish, presenting and teaching information to the player better, and writing. But it's looking pretty good I think!

That's all for this week. As always, thank you for your continued support.


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