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Next up on this series of character previews is a character with a very special fetish. Early on I just called it "is a boy" but I changed that later on to bisexual. That's because this girl is, well, a boy.

I expect Riley to be the most polarizing character in the game because he is the least straight element of the cast, and lots of people don't like to see any content that's not straight in their games. But that's where ATMOF's variety and method of selecting content comes in handy. If you refuse to pick Riley at all, you don't lose all that much, it's just one character out of eventually dozens. And even if you do pick him, scenes are activated manually so you can just never click his "watch scene" button if you want him on the team but don't want to view his content.

Riley's story does involve him having sex with other men, which is why I settled on that bisexual label. In it, he gets involved with a couple that both want to fuck him. Of course, Riley doesn't know this at first, he thinks it's just going to be him and the strangely sexually aggressive woman. And he's not going to say no to that.

Riley gets recruited onto the team because the PC isn't all that good at telling genders apart. In fact, you don't really know much about gender at all, just what's cute or not. If it's cute, it becomes a magical girl and has to fight monsters. Not cute, you don't care. Riley's not a fan of being confused for a girl, but he's just fine with spending his nights saving the world. 

Riley's codename was "Tank". He's a front-liner who's all about taking hits. Starting with a strong stat line of 3/3, Riley is great in the early game. Most of his abilities block damage in some way, all the way up to 3 damage blocked per attack. This is especially strong against enemies with low attack and high health. The more times they attack back, they more value Riley gets out of his abilities. Of course, ideally you want to kill monsters before they can attack back at all, in which case he doesn't do much. But since you can't always do that, he can be a a great choice to protect a stronger damage dealer while holding the line.

Riley's rank 5 ability completely blocks the first attack of any monster. No matter how strong it is, he's getting through at least one attack unscathed. This makes him great in an end game lineup since stalling for time while you can pump out damage can be pretty important against the final boss.

So that's Riley, pretty straightforward gameplay, but a more divisive fetish. What do you think, is he going to make your team? Or do you follow a strict no penis policy?


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