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Sorry this update is a few days late. I went to a wedding this weekend and didn't have time to write it. But I'm back now, so what's going on over here at Apollo Seven Games?

Friday I put out the Netoria Chapter 5 test build and I've gotten good feedback. Some stuff I forgot, some good suggestions, and some bugs. One thing I've decided to do is add an additional camp exploration level, as well as adjust the existing level 22-a to be more like one. So instead of using the whole team to explore the village, you'll control just Carwyn and he able to talk to the other party members around town. 

This is very wip since I just started work on it, but the exploration scene post 22-b is a little different than the other ones. Mostly in that the sex scenes happen first, and you go exploring afterwards. I did this largely because I didn't want to reprogram how all those triggered, but it comes with some fun side effects in conversations. So if you're on the Carwyn-Gwen route, your conversation with Gwenivier will be about the awesome sex they just had. Of course there will still be the normal people missing from the map thing. In fact, with the right route combination everyone can be missing besides Kobold Joe. I guess he and Carwyn will just play cards or something. 

For At the Mountains of Friendship, the UI is getting closer and closer closer being finished. Here's what it looks like now:

The new frame is essentially done. What's left is things like buttons, icons, and the text box for the story scenes. So we're getting closer and closer to the game being almost done. I'm also hiring more voice actors, with this we'll be up to 7/10 of the initial girls voiced. Everything is on schedule, except maybe for the writing. That is really lagging behind. But a good amount of stuff is finished, I think if I keep working at it I'll be able to get it all done in time.

That's all I have for this week. A short update but most of the work was for the Netoria test build and most of the work this week will be for the public build. So not really all that much to talk about. As always, thank you for your continued support.


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