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Today's update is going to be mainly about At the Mountains of Friendship. It's starting to get really close to having the first version be largely done. All the character art is done, minus only one piece of art, and finished UI elements are being put into the game.

Like these stat frames.

Or this girl info screen.

Wow, look at all the art! It sure exists!

The game isn't going to be out for the public by May like I said before though, June is the new target. But the pretty much finished Patreon builds will be out sooner. I still have a lot of writing, and various prettification to add like effects and reactivity and such. But overall it's starting to get pretty close to ready, which is really exciting. I've been working on this game for over a year so I'm pretty excited to get it into people's hands.

As for Netoria, work on chapter 5 is going well. The new levels are pretty much done, right now it's mostly lots of writing. Writing all the scenes, writing the story events during and between levels, this late game content is pretty dense. For example, during the big night where all routes have scenes at the end of the update, there's actually 11 different sex scenes I have to write. At this point I've made good progress on pretty much all of them so things are on track, but it's still a lot of stuff. 

What's that? A town? Full of people presumably? That's right, in chapter 5 the party encounters actual other human beings. Whether that's good or bad, you'll just have to wait and see. 

The first previews of chapter 5 should be in about a week. This one is going to take a bit longer than chapter 4 did, it should be ready around the 24th I'd say, so three weeks from now.

That's all for this week. As always thank you for your continued support.


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