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I've started to get more finished character art in so it's time for another of these previews. Today we're going to meet one of the three main male characters who's goal is to try and steal Gwenivier away from Carwyn, the protagonist. His name is Emrys.

Emrys is the second new party member you get, being first usable on level 5. He's noble and steadfast, but shaken by an endless string of tragedies and disappointments. He's comes down into the caverns as a form of suicide, determined to end his life fighting rather then wallowing in pity. That is until Gwenivier shows up and his lust for life is reinvigorated by actual lust. Now it's his goal to win her hand and finally achieve the love he's longed for his whole life.

As one of the NTRing characters, Emrys has the Lustful skill. This means that he has a chance to grope Gwenivier and female Carwyn if next to them at the start of the turn. This chance is based on his Lust stat, and that Lust stat is raised by being next to a gropable character. If he does grope someone, he'll gain the state Satisfied, which will boost all his stats by 2. But if he's kept away while at high Lust, he'll instead become Frustrated, which lowers all his stats by 2. If he then stands next to a gropable character while Frustrated, he'll immediately grope them. 

What that grope is is based on their relationship level. As he gropes a character, they'll gain relationship points and start developing a connection. He'll start to go further and further, eventually winning them over completely. The player can choose at the start of the game whether they want to see scenes from Gwenivier's perspective or keep those hidden. If you choose to see them, you'll see the exact moment when things escalate. If not you'll only know from the in battle groping or glimpses of what they're doing while out of sight in the between level camp scene.

All of the NTRing characters share this same system. How successful they are is based around who you let stand next to Gwenivier or female Carwyn. So keeping them from achieving their goals is very simple, but it will make the game a lot harder.

Besides that, Emrys's main role is as a secondary tank. He has high defense and resist and one of his two starting weapons, the Guardian Spear, boosts his defenses even further. He also has a Halbard, which is a long polearm that can strike up to two spaces away. He has two different promotion paths. On one he can gain a mount and improve his mobility, and the other let's him done heavy armor and become a walking wall of steel.

So that's Emrys. Will he end up stealing Gwenivier's hand and heart? That's up to how you play out the battles and your positioning.


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