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Tomorrow is supposed to be a $10 patron Futa Oasis update. Well, it's not going to be. The Monster Within is taking up so much time I haven't been able to work on the new scenes barely at all. But I have a way to make it up to you. This month will have a different $10 reward...

The first playable build of At the Mountains of Friendship! All ten of the starting girls have all their main character art done, take a look at the lineup!

The plan is to add one new one a month, with patreon votes for stuff like fetish, clothing style, personality, etc. By the time the game is ready to go I want 13 done. 2 for Patrons in high tiers and 1 as slack for if we fall behind or take a vacation or something. The game is pretty playable as is, there's some UI problems and unfinished stuff but I think it's pretty fun. My quick bug fix playtests turn into full playthroughs a lot.

Actual story content is fairly barebones. Some characters have a good amount written for them, some have basically nothing. Only two characters have scene art done, one to work out the process and make sure everything worked right in engine, and a second because the artist wanted a break from doing the designs for a few weeks. So that stuff is what's going to take most of his time up until the May release. I'll have lots of writing to do, but it's pretty light and diverse stuff, lots of characters just talking to each other and it'll be fun to jump around between them and flesh out their personalities. Even without writing right now, they still have their outfit changes as they get higher levels, so it's not like the game is sexless of anything.

I'm pretty happy with how the designs came out. The girls look distinct, and you can sort of guess what their personalities are based on their poses and expressions and such. But this is just their day outfits, let's not forget at night they become magical girls!

Look at that team! I'm sure together they could take on anything. Of course, you can only use five at a time, but that'll be enough (probably). 

In other news, well there really isn't other news. The Monster Within is taking up pretty much all of my time. Oh, I suppose I can let you know that the new card sets for the TF Card Battle update that's coming out the same day as the full release are for Hucow and Schoolgirl. And I'll keep making character intros for Netoria as more character art comes in. As always, thank you for your continued support.


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