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I recently ran a poll about how many more updates to do for Futa Oasis. Now, this is how many updates to do for the free version I give out on Patreon. From the moment I started working on the game I was always planning on it being a paid product on Steam. So this has been a really extensive demo, I suppose. I think that after the next three planned updates, it'll have enough content that the number of sex scenes isn't really a problem anymore.

The problems with the game are a lack of development with characters and the gameplay. So that's what I want to fix before I release it on Steam. I might just completely rework the card game, because it's not very good. And lack of development is just due to not many high relationship tier scenes being written yet. I basically haven't written any new basic talking scenes at all since I've been busy adding sex scenes and such. So before the full release I'll have to get back on that. 

We've got less than a month before the full release of The Monster Within. And that means that the Naked Ambition's hiatus is almost over, kind of. See, the work I do on Clothed Ambition right now is pretty unrelated to what Naked Ambition needs. What I'm hoping will happen is that in the process of doing Clothed Ambition stuff, some of that will spill over into wanting to work on some Naked Ambition scenes too. But even if it doesn't I need to start putting out Naked Ambition updates again at some point even if it's just so I can use it as a marketing vehicle to make people aware of Clothed Ambition. So Naked Ambition is going to get finished, no timeline though.

What I do have though, is a timeline of what updates and releases are going to look like for the next like half a year:

  • October: The Monster Within (+ TF Card Battle Update), Futa Oasis update
  • November: Futa Oasis update
  • December: Futa Oasis update (last big free content update)
  • January: Netoria: Tactics Revival
  • February: Netoria: Tactics Revival
  • March: Netoria: Tactics Revival
  • April: Netoria: Tactics Revival
  • May: At the Mountains of Friendship

Basically, the three remaining updates for Futa Oasis I have art for/art being made for are going to bridge the time until I have art ready for Netoria, which is going to bridge the time until all the art is done for At the Mountains of Friendship. And in the meantime I'll be writing for a whole bunch of stuff.

That timeline for Netoria is pretty much set in stone. It'll be a limited engagement run, I have the whole thing planned out. If people like it a lot, I could add more content in the future, but it's a set story with a set length. The January part definitely needs to happen though because it's also for the TF Gamessite contest I'm running that ends in February. I'll have Patreon preview posts and build coming out soon.

And then in May it's ATMOF time. That game will warp the whole Patreon around it, it needs too since it's been really expensive to produce. By first release I'll have spent three times as much money on it as I have on all of Naked Ambition's production up to this point, and two times as much as I have on Futa Oasis. This isn't a bad thing, reinvesting profits is what small business do, to make future products better and better.

But it does mean a lot is riding on the game and I need it bring in a fair amount of money. It's monthly production cost to make new characters is basically what the the current patreon brings in, so if I ever want to recoup costs growth is the key. Of course, it's only because of you patrons who stick around that any of this is possible at all. Even if ATMOF does flop, you let me have the fun of building it in the first place. I'm pretty sure it's going to be a hit though. Early playtests have been pretty positive. 

So lots of exciting stuff coming soon. But for now I need to really focus on The Monster Within. Tons of work still needs to be done and not that much time is left to get it done. As always, thank you for your continued support.


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