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I know I said no update this week because I'm on a cruise, but I've got wifi and I'm chilling watching the waves roll by, so why not. This will just be a short update going over some changes to the production scheduale.

1. Netoria Tactics will keep receiving content in the form of expansion updates. Now that the Steam gold version and the female Carwyn update is done, it's time to start the golden route. The golden route is about Carwyn getting hos best ending. Both girls, saving his home, everything turns out awesome. No NTR to be seen anywhere on this one.

2. Naked Ambition. If I keep working on it, it has to get done at some point, right? Production issues aside, I really do want to get this one wrapped up in a satisfying way. It's just taking way longer than I want it to.

3. Netoria Tactics 2: Pre-production is going well. Character designs are getting finalized, game design is getting solidified. And it should be faster to produce than I planned because...

4. At the Mountain of Friendship's last big content update will be 1.4. Right now we're on 1.2, so that's two more. 1.3 is almost done, and 1.4 will be a huge update with a bunch of meta progression systems. There will probably be smaller updates after that, but I'm shutting down the girl pipeline. It's just too expensive and too work intensive for the minimal fanbase the game ended up with. Most of that budget is going to be diverted to Netoria Tactics 2.

5. New side project game. If Netoria Tactica 2 is the new big game, and everything else is near wrapping up, that leaves a hole in the scheduale for something else. I like to work on at least two projects at a time, it just works better for me. With only one I can get stuck but at least two let's me switch around and work wherever the juices are flowing that day. What is this new side project going to be? I don't know. Something that re-uses the AtMoF character art would save a lot of money, so maybe Emma, Elizabeth, Maya, and pals will return in a new adventure.

I'll be honest, the last year has kind of left me shook in terms of trusting my instincts on what projects people will like. Futa Oasis didn't get great reception, AtMoF didn't get great reception, Netoria Tactics did get good reception but it was just a little experiment with SRPG Studio with a miniscule budget. I'm thinking throwing money and time into unproven projects is probably a bad idea.

My solution to that is the Apollo Seven One Man Game Jam. Basically I just make prototypes of around five game ideas I like and see which ones people resonate with. That way the game I go forward with is more proven and I have an excuse to make lots of prototypes. Prototypes are always fun. Don't expect loads of art or content from these. Most of them will probably be made in Twine or Renpy. I'll bang one out, you'll tell me if it's cool or if it sucks and we'll move on. And whatever games survive the gauntlet will go on to become full-fledged projects.

That's all for this week. Sorry about the lack of images, but cruise ship wifi and all. As always, thank you for your continued support.


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