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Ya had to know Ellie was going to show up again! :D I started off really liking this show, but as of episode 3, it feels like Neil Druckmann is starting to derail it the same way he did the second game (in my humble opinion).

There was a scene where Ellie puts a clicker out of its misery really for no reason. Personally this felt like they were turning Ellie into some kind of psychopath, which is the exact opposite of what game Ellie was in the 1st story. I like Bella Ramsey's portrayl so far but just not sure what they're doing with her character. I'm really hoping they course correct because I had so much high hopes for this show starting off with those banger 2 episodes. But in the mean time, there will be this Ellie you can come to expect! :D :D




I haven't seen this show yet because I don't trust Neil Drakman


I started watching it against my better judgment. They baited us with 2 good ones before he pulled a fast one on us with crazy creative decisions. Really wish he wasn't involved with it.