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Nicki Minaj (Poppin' Pin-Ups) (Demoness Version)

This piece is the brain-child of Commissioner FANRULE & I. Comm FANRULE joined the Creator Level Tier & as a result, he got this sweet Alternate Version Pin-Up done. He let me choose a Pin-Up that I had done in the past & he let me pick the concept for it. I picked a Demoness Version of my Nicki Minaj Piece & he agreed. I was just gonna do what I normally do to my Demoness pieces, make their skin red, give them black eyes & horns. FAN came up with the idea to include warp holes for the penises -which is actually quite genius. πŸ˜‹ FAN also requested that I give Nicki enormous breasts that were squirting milk onto the giant plate.

The result is this sinister piece, featuring Demon Nicki enjoying a grand old time in what seems to be Hell. 😈 I hope U guys & gals dig it. I'll b back with more soon. πŸ”₯


$75(USD) per month - only 5 left

The Creator Level Tier is a very special tier that'll give Patrons the chance to play Commissioner for as long as they're Creator Level Patrons. Creator Level Patrons will be able to select 1 previously created Pin-Up & alter it in which ever way they please! The only thing that they will not be able to alter is the Pin-Up's original posing. They'll be able to change the Pin-Up's hairstyle, gear, facial features & expression. They'll be able to give the character a costume, they'll be able to choose a specific body type (muscular, thin or thicc). They'll even be able to insert ownerless appendages into the Pin-Up! * I'll let your mind run wild with that one. * 😜

The 1st Patron to join the Tier will get their desired Alt Pin-Up booked for September. The 2nd will get their Alt Pin-Up booked for October and so on... There are only 5 slots available! * 1st Come, 1st Serve. * ..so you better hurry up and book NOW!




You made MAGIC with this one...DARK magic! :D Thanks again! AWESOME work!