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Poppin' Pin-Ups (TG Ariana Grande) (Dominatrix Version)

First of all, I'd like to thank Commissioner FANRULE for BRINGING BACK TG ARI! 😱 I legit haven't touched this piece since January 2020! FAN wanted her to have a two-toned hairstyle - "the Harley Quinn motif", if you will. I brought up the idea of giving her tight gear and VOILA! 🌟 We have this Dominatrix Alternate Version Pin-Up 1 whole year after the fact. How was FANRULE able to make this a reality you ask? ..By Joining the CREATOR TIER!

$75(USD) per month - only 5 left

The Creator Level Tier is a very special tier that'll give Patrons the chance to play Commissioner for as long as they're Creator Level Patrons. Creator Level Patrons will be able to select 1 previously created Pin-Up & alter it in which ever way they please! The only thing that they will not be able to alter is the Pin-Up's original posing. They'll be able to change the Pin-Up's hairstyle, gear, facial features & expression. They'll be able to give the character a costume, they'll be able to choose a specific body type (muscular, thin or thicc). They'll even be able to insert ownerless appendages into the Pin-Up! * I'll let your mind run wild with that one. * 😜

The 1st Patron to join the Tier will get their desired Alt Pin-Up booked for September. The 2nd will get their Alt Pin-Up booked for October and so on... There are only 5 slots available! * 1st Come, 1st Serve. * ..so you better hurry up and book NOW!
