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Brewed Awakening (Page 05) (WIP05) (2)

I just spent 3 hours on Panel 11. This is by far thee most insanely complex Web-Comic Page that I have ever worked on. πŸ˜† Thank U Commissioner Serious_Sentence. When you look at the bigger picture, the painting that I added Today seems so small that I can't really re-post this as a "new WIP". That is why I'm updating this same post for you guys.

I will be posting another Brewed Awakening Update this coming Wednesday, 21st of July 2021. I'm looking to add Panel 12 to the page for Wednesday's update. 2 more paintings left and this page will be complete! 😏 ..I can't wait to move on to the next chapter of this Transformation story. I hope U guys & girls are having a wonderful weekend.

I'll be back with more fire content soon! πŸ’œ


Brewed Awakening (Page 05) (WIP05) [BONUS POST]
LINKS: PG.01 - PG.02 - PG.03 - PG.04

BONUS FRIDAY POST! 😜 I spent about 4 hours on this Today, I painted in the character to the silhouette established on Panel 08. Additionally, I painted in Panel10. I still wanna add the decal to the shopping bags on P10. We've got 3 more panels to go + a silhouette to fill in on P03. I think 2 more work sessions and we'll be able to call this MONSTER of a Comic Book page DONESKI!

Hope you enjoy it, I'll be back with MOAR content next week Monday. Have a good weekend u guys. 😘




Thank U Tay. I'm glad you're digging it. Its a monster of a page! 😝 For the next Full Page let's cut back on the panels, ok? I'm gonna limit it to 8 panels for the next one. Chat further via Discord. πŸ’œ


I love the bright colors and clean lines.


Indeed - Its a very "happy" color palette. Quite different from everything else I'm currently doing. I'm so glad U like it!