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Here's WIP01 of my latest Collab with Porcoro, I've added P's Original linework to this post. What attracted me to this design was how Uberly-Bimbofied he made this character. It fits my style perfectly, even though its got Anime features. I hope u guys & gals dig our efforts. WIP02 is gonna look even BETTER; with even MOAR details. πŸ˜›

I hope ya'll liked this week's offerings. I worked REALLY hard on everything. Next Week we've got a KILLER line-up, you won't wanna miss it! You can see EXACTLY what's coming up by CHECKING OUT my Jugg-Calendar. I might upload a new Alternate Pin-Ups Poll either Tomorrow or Saturday, so stay tuned for that. I hope u all have a stellar Weekend. 😘




Really interesting how the sketch changes from the original in your hands. Curious to see the final result!


I'm glad u find it interesting. 😁 I actually love doing this; working with someone else's linework. My only stipulation is that I get to add something extra to the original Hairstyle. I think this will be the start of a series of collabs that Porc & I do. Exciting times. I'd also love to work with your lines, you know? If you're ever interested, hit me up. πŸ˜‰

Terry Stokes

But now I obviously have certain "demands," regarding huge nasty shiny nipple rings, and another through her c* ck! What are those called again? And pretty trashy tattoos and talon polish. *glares maniacally*


Wow, I like this collaboration as I think your coloring and textured finishes really compliment Porcoro's line work. Of course I love that you've given it the notorious Hair Mistress's touch.


Maybe we'll do a possible Alt. Version down the line with ALL of the required add-ons Terry. 😜


I agree. I think we make a good team. This one should turn out stellar. U KNOW I had to give her the giant hair. 😜