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The 2 month waiting period has elapsed on this Alternate Pin-Up. I'll be uploading it on all of my free sites soon so that's why I'm making it available to all Levels of The JuggMind. If you aren't a Resident Level Tier member I highly recommend that you upgrade NOW! Doing so will unlock ALL of the Alt. Version Pin-Ups. We've got over 25 locked up and I'll be adding 4 new ones to the list throughout the month of October, 2020.

Poppin' Pin-Ups (Alt. Versions): LINK


Joan (Poppin' Pin-Ups) (FemmeBoy Version)

It's interesting for me to see that so many of you voted for the Femme Boy Category when Joan's Poll went up a few weeks ago. Interesting because I love trying to figure out the collective orientation of The Jugganaut Mind. I had no idea so many of you enjoyed masculinity. In this Alternate version I masculinised Comm. Dan's (OC) Joan.

I guess in this version we can call him Jono? He / Him pronouns. His long-ass hair is to die for! I removed Joan's breasts, masculinised her jaw structure and gave her lovely gear that's associated with the masculine gay scene. His cock is still in a bow. πŸ˜‰ That ain't going nowhere. Hope ya'll dig it! I'm dying to get some feedback! Comment your thoughts below!



Daniel Robert Clubb

Very cute 😍; I like how this turned out❣


The alterations you made were spot on for femmeboy. The breast reduction and strappy fishnet outfit definitely returned some masculinity. The bow is very nice touch, I like it a lot! However I kinda associate it with a Sissy. That's just me I guess. I think a cockring or Prince Albert piercing would've been more in line with the fetish outfit. Lastly the hair is gorgeous as always, I think for this femmeboy theme I would've loved to see him in a high ponytail. Other than those minor critiques I think you did a marvelous job!


I'm glad u like it! I googled "Prince Albert piercing" and immediately cringed in pain. πŸ˜– Ouch! Thanks for the feedback!