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THUMB 01(A God's Work): We wanted to portray the Genie; who is actually Jugganaut having his way with a fully bimbofied Ariana. In this concept Jugganaut has her in the palm of his hand and whilst she's feeling herself in a lustful haze he's digging his tongue into her anus. Perhaps this is how he magically warps her proportions. Perhaps he's just tasting his creation; savouring her beauty.

THUMB 02 (Magic Rain): In this version we have Ariana in a super dramatic pose; hand on her forehead, head held high, enjoying a nice cum bath. She's covered in smoke which has been created by the Genie's appearance. The Genie is staring at her with his arms folded as his huge cock is cumming all over her. The cum and smoke wrap are the Genie's method of transformation in this one. Ari is once again; fully bimbofied here, her second wish is coming true before her very eyes.

THUMB 03 (The Devilish Sculptor): This one is our personal favorite because of how we get to play with proportions. The Genie's hands here are his tools for transformation. His hands can warp larger or smaller depending on what he needs. Ari's body  is being sculpted like clay. She's being transformed into the Bimbofied, Hyper Sexualised Goddess that she wants to become. Her Ass-Cheeks and Breasts are literally being pulled and enlarged. Quite cool and God-Like. (Vote for this one! We wanna work on it 😮)




I like them all but one speaks to me as old school corruption,girl get fucked and changes because of it. But the third one is totally different it would be hard to draw and not really been done.


I'm just looking at the Poll results so far and THUMB 03 is winning by a mile. Its fun to see that other JuggMind members share your thoughts on the 3rd one. I'm up for any and every challenge; I'm actually looking forward to tackling it. Will probably post the 1st WIP later today.


Yeah, the third one is the most interesting :)