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Page 01.

  1. A panel covers the top of the page. Completely dark, but for a light on the right side, shining an alien green (the same green as the eyes).
  2. Underneath, three more panels – zooming into a meteor made of light, a shimmering tail behind it, the background continues to be the abyss. Zooming from left to right, each panel peers closer towards the meteor. First, the light arcing. 
  3. Second, a closer look at the meteor – The light engulfs a black, phallic object. It’s leaving a trail of emissions, gases of shades of bright green that twist across and around it.
  4. Third, final look at the meteor up close. Almost close enough to touch. Its surface is mangled and full of twisting metal objects (rusted, Ridley Scott-Sci-Fi metal), like pipes or veins. They resemble women or feminine forms but from this far away, you aren’t sure. These forms, and the surface of the object is red hot, the tip of the object has white-shifted (white hot), and is bending space around it.
  5. In the panel underneath, the screaming pained face of one of these feminine forms – fucking horrific.  Beneath which, in the same panel, two more female forms with faces, as if interlocked in a death orgy, their faces likewise horrified but in the throes of orgasm – a terrible orgasm, as if cumming while being raped. (The main face is not feeling any pleasure, only terror and pain.) All three of the forms are touching themselves sexually, their necks and their metal tits, they’re not exactly human – they have a weird number of fingers. One of the faces has three eyes (not the main one). Another face has a weird insectoid mandible. They’re not too alien – it needs to be disturbing, can’t be funny or distracting.
  6. The final panel is large and covers about 40% (plus or minus) of the bottom. The top half of the planet’s surface is shown about half way across the panel. It shouldn’t be green and normal, but as if something is wrong with it. Something subtle and off-putting, maybe the green is a pale green, like the colour of a dead person. Atop the planet, the green meteor is seen, the trail of fire-light arcing (arcing towards the planet) on top of the panel and the phallic meteor pointing down like its penetrating the top of the surface of the planet (a sperm cell fertilizing an egg).
  7. Within the same panel, a small panel in the top left – the shadowed head of a being suspended in crimson light – almost hairless but for some strands of white hair. One green eye can be seen through the shadow, bright, the same alien green. Raspy, metallic breathing sfx. Maybe ‘Gh-ee-ghrhr-ee-ghrr-ee-ghr’. The only sound on the page since it is within the object and not in space.



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