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I know some of you wanted Gwen but im not adding her cuz there's been a bit of annoyance from people that get upset when u make an adult version of a character that is not in canon and i just dont wanna deal with that. Nothing bad's happened but we'll take a skip on her for now.

Aight lets jump straight into the notes to consider before voting

Chun Li: No issues major issues here. Only thing is her arms would remain attached to the torso but toher than that we've got cuts at the knees, hips and neck.

Cammy: For this one we only got safe cuts at the hips and neck. So this would most likely be 3 big pieces. Bottom, Torso and Head. Plus the thin chunks of hair. So 4 pieces total

Juri: Same as cammy. We only have safe cuts at the stockings and the neck. We could also split the hands but i dont know how much of a point this would have.

Spider Woman 2099: This one's the biggest issue of them all. No safe cuts whatsoever. Only at the neck. So we either make ugly cuts (which we agreed not to do after that one time) or we keep the body as a whole 1 piece.

Mirko: This one has a similar issue than SW2099. We could add stockings for this one and then have cuts at the thighs, arms and neck but not sure how much that'd be a deal breaker for some people. 

Ashley: Only issue i see with this one is how thin the tip straps are

Tae: This one seems pretty ok. Right arm would remain attached to the torso. Other than that we've got cuts at knee high, waist and neck so all gucci.


Jarvis Gray

Just put in my two votes. Now that I'm more experienced with resin printing I'd like to say I'm personally way more comfortable dealing with cuts than I was a year ago. As long as you include a negative square hole and a positive square plug to make lining up parts easy I find it's a simple job to make any cuts disappear seamlessly. The trick I've found is to get the pieces together as tight as possible and once they're set with glue you can just take some resin and apply it to the seam gap area with a brush. After that just cure it in place with a UV light and then sand till everything's level and smooth. I used this trick on your Tsunade model to connect her lower legs to her thighs and after a single coat of paint she came out looking flawlessly seamless as though she were printed that way. What I'm getting at is don't be afraid to go after a cool design just because a few people might be scared of putting in the extra sweat needed to make it a physical reality.