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Hey everybody. Ima cut to it cuz im bad at this kind of things

For a few weeks now i've felt really frustrated about a lot of things. Art mostly. And i realized that patreon was a huge part of that. I've decided ima take it down cuz i simply cant deliver anything good anymore. Lately its been feeling more like a burning than anything else and not seeing progress (but actually the opposite) its really bringing my mood down and its kind of frustrating.

I wanna thank everybody for all the support u've giving me thru these months and i appreaciate it like you have no idea and i wanna make for it. So feel free to send me a PM and we can figure something out. Cuz i've never really been into the idea of just taking ppl's money so if feel like i've not delievered or are just not happy with how things went on my patreon, again, send me a message and we'll figure something out : )

Btw, this doesnt mean u gotta stop talking to me or whatever. Feel free to talk to me on DA, tumblr, Steam or Skype.

Wanna thank you guys once again for all the support you've given me and if for some weird reason you want me to support me still i guess i could make a tip jar or something of the kind lol.... Im more than happy with just comments and feedback on the stuff i do : )

Aight! Gonna sign off for now. I'll still finish the sketch requests and for those that pledged over the 5$ u have a sketch token or whatever. So just let me know. Those on the 12$ can opt for that too if u want on top of the sketch u already pledged for.

Skype: Drkroder

Steam: Strydr



We don't want you to feel pressured Rush. I think I can understand sort of what you're going through. Do what you feel is right. We'll all still be here, lurking around and stalking you. The last thing we want you to be is depressed and frustrated. =) I've felt you were doing a fine job of your Patreon, but that's just my opinion. If there was one thing I looked forward to in my e-mails it was another one of your posts. (and I don't have you on Steam! Look for Viciousalicious, the black/white/red V)


Good luck Rush! Keep on making fun stuff! Even if you're not doing it via Patreon.


Good luck on your future endeavors Rush! I'll keep in contact with you :)


It's been a pleasure watching your work come along, I hope that whatever form that takes in the future is more fun and less stress for you! Thanks for all the work you've put in for us!


Thank you! I dont think i'll stop doing what i was doing, the rpg girls were quite fun to work on. But the system in patreon was just a bit too uncomfortable for me. I tried for all these months to stick with it and make it work but i guess im just not cut down to it :c Thanks for all the support, man C:


It is said to hear your depressed and don't want to do this patreon anymore. I honestly think your work have been great but if you need to stop in order to feel better than I'm okay with that. Are your regular commission open? Also I already pledged for this month's $12 but is their a way I can pay for the difference for a regular commission? I don't use Skype but I do use steam often . I will send you a friend request, my name is "Bellum3rd".