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Aight guys, im back now. And as far as i know....i should be ok for the next 3 weeks. I still got to go get my passport back but that should take me 2 days top and im not even sure when's that gonna happen xD My grandma passed but thats ok. Im good and glad she is finally in peace : )

Now lets get back to drawing, shall we? Havent drawn a thing in over 2 weeks @@

Gonna go over the requests and start warming up with those C:  



Sorry to hear about your grandmother. But at least you got to see her. Take your time!


My condolences with regards to your grandma. We're glad to see you back though!


Sorry to hear about your grandma; but I am glad to hear that both you and her are at peace. Glad to have you back!


Thank you so much and yes i did. We were lucky enough to have our grandma living with us for the last 2 and half years.


Thank you, chris C: good to be back too...2 weeks without drawing @@ i was abou tto go crazy