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TL;DR: The burn out is real and going hard so animations will go down significantly and there'll be more bikini/bunny outfits/nude content coming as opposed to adding more pieces of clothing like sweaters or whatever

Now for the people that want the full explanation

I havent been doing too great mentally speaking with content creation and life in general. I've been struggling a lot with trying to come with animation and outfit ideas to the point im just freezing and losing interest on working on projects.

I still want to make the same amount content for you guys so my solution for this is simply stop worrying about animations and work less on outfits and themes. Meaning there'll be a high amount of basic ass bunny suits, basic skimpy bikinis and nudes in the horizon.

I understand that some people might consider this to be bland and not be interested in this content and if you have to go i get it. But it's either this or i end up going crazy and stop entirely.

For the people interested in 3d printing: dont worry. I'll still add stockings/boots/armbands/arm sleeves to make it easy to cut for printing and print them in different pieces.

Hopefully i'll be able to get over this quickly cuz i've been like this for a couple of months now and its really getting to me.

Appreciate your patience and i hope you keep enjoying the content we make around here.


Seneca Knaff

I love the content. Anyone who begrudges you for taking time to get your mental health in order doesn't need to be a part of this. Take care of yourself mentally and physically and when you have recovered, your true fans will still be here.

Matthew Joseph

I’m sorry you’re going through feeling so burnt out, but I’m glad you’re speaking out and advocating for yourself. Burnout is so hard and I feel like impossible to prevent, even if we love what we do. Happy to be here supporting your work and be here when you’re feeling better too!


Hi Rush! I don't comment much, but please know that there are many of us that love your work, but aren't very vocal most of the time. While your animations are great, they aren't the most important to me, and I won't be too sad to see them go if necessary. Honestly, the volume of work you put out is absurd. You could probably cut your volume by like half and my sub would still feel totally worth it to me.