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Never mind I’ll try to make it a comic and maybe take some that to format the other thing I was planning but it’ll be b&w.



Huh. I really don't know what to say because I have no idea what the experimental thing you're suggesting would actually be like in the end. I'm not super excited to see just a long-format story like the endless slashfics on the net with a cover page, but what would basically be a half-length caption with all original art could be great. I... just need more info before I could answer here.

Abreon or Abrea

I don't feel like I have a preference, as I'm not really familiar with what sort of commitments either avenue would take you. I just know I like your content and can't wait t I see what you do next.

David Fenger

It sounds like you're keen on the experiment, and that's good enough for me.


I'll be doing a comic, and using that comic to show off the proof of concept when I get around to it. ;)

john barry

i would have voted comic if this lasted more than 5 hours.

Happily Anonymous

I would have actually loved the teeny light novel approach- assuming it’s what I’m envisioning. A light novel that has an illustration every 4-5 pages or so, I imagine. I think that it’d be *especially* perfect if it dealt with a aiming of age type story- something that more fully parodies the medium it occupies