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Okay. It's time. for MOMS.
As is tradition.

Opening up to you 5$ + Lovelies. This is open until the 12th (trying to get an early start on this!


  • Keep things simple, No more than two subjects.
  • ONE suggestion per patron!
  • You must be paid in for the month. So check if your payment has gone through.
  • I will select the top 3-5 suggestions of my choice, and put them up to a vote.
  • For now I will go through suggestions and approve them, this may change later.
  • Keep your suggestions under 200 words. The idea is an "Elevator Pitch"
  • If the suggestion includes Not Safe for work or sexual situations then No CHARACTERS UNDER THE AGE OF 18.

    This'll be open until the 12th of this month. Vote opens on the 13th!



Phone app keeps a rich guys life in check. Meetings and what not. He always makes the joke that his phone app is his mom. Phone gets hit with magic radiation, and fuses with him. Turning him into a CyberMilf.


A guy sees his beautiful mom every day and start to wonder what it looks like to be in her shoes, literally. So he ones try to put her shoes and become addicted to this. The more he wear them, the more woman he becomes until he become a more beautiful woman than his mom


Guy moves into neighborhood. Gets a knock at the door late at night, in which he answers to find a basket at the foot of the door. Brings it in only to find a toy baby doll inside. He dismisses it at first as a prank and goes to bed. He later wakes up and hypnotically starts taking care of the doll as if it was real. He goes about his daily routine while taking care of the doll despite the looks he receives. Over the days he begins to feminize and eventually transforms. Flash forward to the future guy (now mother to real children) sells doll in a box of junk in yard sell to an unsuspecting buyer.


Guy moves into a new apartment full of...unique women. He gets a housewarming gift of a perfect Chinese MILF outfit. As time goes on and he meets his neighbors, bits and pieces of the MILF outfit show up on the guy and it starts changing him. Eventually, it turns him into a Chinese MILF that is getting introduced to hot single guys by her neighbors.

Patrick Hunt

Zelda is in the super mall in order to get new clothes for her and Zed's own MILF version Zea. As Zelda picks up the clothing she wants to see would fit, she brought out Zed's head so they can decide what would look good on them as Zea and Zelda in the dressing room. Throughout the story, Zelda will often change the body between her features and Zea's features in order for Zed to get to help decide what to wear (as well as Zelda having fun with shapeshifting against their will).


A young man stows away on merchant ship seeking adventure and life on the seas. While on its voyage a seemingly magical storm breaks loose. They try and navigate but get lost. The ship is beaten and thrown around in the harsh seas. The young man is thrown overboard. He blacks out while sinking in the sea. Only to wake up and discover he is in Atlantis. The ship had sunk and killed the Antlantian kings daughter. The young man is rescued but with his ship killing the princess he is sentenced to be transformed into a woman to give the king a new daughter.


It's the weekly game night and everyone is getting ready for Dungeons and Dragons with the rest of the group already seated while the DM is sorting out snacks and drinks for them. The GM is wearing a rough or ill-fitting cosplay/outfit to match the mood. While bringing them over for the group they sit down while talking about how they're going to take care of the party and look after them on their adventure. And they're slowly changed into a protective mother caring for her wayward "children" even if they're adults, venturing out into a dangerous world. Their outfit has changed with them becoming more grander and more impressive, as they slip into their role as the mama bear of the group. Minor changes to the board, and game to fit her new persona. Potentially changes to those around the table as well, moving close to full outfits of their characters as well.


some guy were channel surfing Looking for a good show to watch until he found a cartoon with a family like Cast so he decides to keep watching and while he was watching he saw the dad and two children but he noted he hasn’t seen the mom yet. That’s when the TV sucks his into the show itself. He found himself in the show’s kitchen wondering how to get out until his mind starts to change and make him all mother like and start doing chores around the house like dust in the landing, doing the pot and cooking dinner and what he’s doing that he starts transforming into the character with his clothes changing as well. Like his trainers becoming high heels, his trousers become skirt, and his jacket comes an apron. Also, his hips grow in size similar to Dexter’s mom from Dexter’s lab. And I think the final shot will be him as the mom character greeting his new family back from school/work.

Sidney Cuddihy

A shy overweight man is trying to work out at a park with his friend a muscled in shape single father of two. The father wishes for a mother for his kids. The shy asks what his dream wife would look like. Has he describes her the shy guy becomes that woman. A tall curvy woman with an hour glass body shape. She has a strong muscle tone like some kind of Amazon warrior goddess. At first he is shocked at his nee body but when he hears two kids yelling mommy and a smile comes across her face


Revisiting the device from last months image that featured Milftallica. What if the device malfunctions and explodes causing everyone in the area to be transformed based on the “Thicc Milf” parameter. (There is a coffee mug falling in the scene. This could be what causes the malfunction)